Friday, May 7, 2010

Uninsured Motorist Scam

My wife and I just went through the process of renewing our car insurance. What a great scam! I have to buy car insurance. And I can purchase uninsured motorist insurance in the event I am hit by another motorist who did not purchase insurance. But wait, there is more! I can purchase (at an additional cost to me) medical coverage also! This is almost as good as the copy machine repair plan scam.

What a great country. No good deed goes unpunished. I obey the law, someone else doesn’t obey the law, and I pay for them. I am the only person who thinks that is crazy? Why should I pay for the person who doesn’t do the responsible thing? Shouldn’t being hit by irresponsible uninsured motorists be part of my regular insurance?

I have been hit buy uninsured motorists. Remarkably they were also undocumented. I am tired of paying for people who don’t pay their own way. Times are tough. I can’t afford to pay for anyone else!

By-the-way, I am opposed to government regulation on just about anything. But, if I am forced by a law to purchase insurance (or any other commodity), then I believe that the price of insurance (or any other commodity) that I must by law purchase, should be regulated by law. I think forcing me to buy insurance coverage helps insurance companies more than it helps me.

If someone does not have insurance, why should it be my responsibility to pay for theirs? Stop the scam!

Thus saith me.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


How amusing, the Democratic Governors Association "demands" that the Republican Governors Association remove a so called political terrorism add. I'm just an ordinary citizen and I watched the add and found it to a normal political add.

What's funny to me is that Nathan Daschle said, "No political committee should fund raise off of terrorism."This is the party that basically tells minorities that whites (other then them) don't like them, so vote for us. Haven't liberal relied on "demonstrations" for years to try to bully - err - convince people to agree with them. If you don't have the same point of view you are a racist, a bigot, and now a terrorist.

I call upon the Democratic Governors Association to remove themselves from public office. It's the right thing to do.

Thus saith me.

Enough of the Men Bashing

I am tired of the bumbling stupid male TV characters. For example, the latest Corona beer ad where a guy walks in front of the couple sitting in their beach chairs and the girls looks at the guy walking by, so the boyfriend/ husband/whatever shakes up her Corona. She, oh so smart as she is, reaches over and passes up her beer to grab his and then hands him the bottle opener. She sure out-smarted him.

On the Disney channel, the fathers are all just a bit daft and clueless. If you have kids, you know what I am talking about. The Russo father on The Wizards of Waverly Place and Bob from Good Luck Charlie, for example. The only one with half a brain is Robbie on Hannah Montana. I’m not sure what’s more scary, that I know all these characters or bumbling idiot’s for fathers are the TV norm.

I understand equality and the need for women to be strong, my mom is one tough lady, but, there is great danger in making men look stupid and inferior. 

Unfortunately I have even heard this men bashing from preachers and pastors, (which might explain in part why more women attend church than men). You know, the all men are dogs; they only have one thing on their minds blather. Well, speak for yourself, brother. Some other time I hope to write about the whole women are more spiritual than men myth.

My point or rant is this: If you tell people men are stupid and have no moral control, two things will result. One, women will think all men are dumb and morally deficient (we’re all dogs aren’t we). Two, some men will believe they are and that moral choices are not always possible for them.

Sometimes a laugh is a laugh, sometimes it’s foolish.

It’s time for men to be men and proud of it!

Thus saith me.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5,113 and Counting

“US Admits to Having 5,113 Nukes.” Admits!? This is why the liberal media is a liability to the sovereignty and safety of our great country.
We don’t “admit”, like we did something wrong, that we have 5,113 nuclear warheads. America doesn’t “admit” we announce, warn, advise, mention or even threaten.
The message is we haven’t used them because we are a peaceful, until you piss us off, nation. The message to any axis of evil doofenschmirtz want to be potentate is this: by the time you finish blowing out the match you used to light your little bottle rocket nuke to shoot at us we will have fired back 25 state-of-the art nukes at your foolish asterisk of a country. Then, after the dust clears we’ll fire 5 more just in case we missed a spot.
The message to any terrorist state, cell, or individual: by the time you discover there are no virgins waiting for you on the other side, we’ll have sent some “gifts” to your family and every conceivable hovel you and yours could hide in.
The United States of America is the most giving country in the world. Just ask Haiti. We have no desire to hurt any nation, unless you attack us first. So, we have 5,113 nukes we hope to never use. But…
Thus saith me. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Immigration Deform

I opened my local fishwrap today and there on the front page it reads, “Thousands march in immigrants-rights rally.” The curious thing is that I could not find anything about the rights of legal immigrants being threatened. I did read emotional blurbs about families being torn apart and parents living in fear of being deported because they are illegal.

One protestor asked, “What gives them the right to do this? My parents are (illegal) immigrants and if they did in California what they did in Arizona, it’d split us apart.” Actually if the current laws were enforced any illegal immigrant would be deported. So, the law gives any law enforcement agent or agency the right to deport illegal immigrants. If you are not legal, you do not have a right to be here.

I have a few questions of my own.
  • Do emotional pleas overrule current law?
  • Do sob stories out way logical premises?
  • Does “Being illegal + need = amnesty”?

Let’s say I stole some food because my family was hungry. Why not just let us eat, because we need food, and not hold me accountable for my crime. The “logic” being that my families need for food out ways the illegal nature of my actions therefore I am not responsible for my actions and thus not guilty. Does anyone else see the danger and foolish nature of this argument? It is what the argument the left is using.

Note to all would be politicians: If you want my vote do not press for immigration deform. Allow law enforcement to do their job without fear.

Gloria Estefan, shame on you. Your Cuban community is embarrassed by your shameful grandstanding to crowds you hope may buy some old music by you.

As one counter-protestor put it, “You can be a part of our nation if you do the right thing, follow the rules.”

Thus saith me.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why I Shouldn’t Let My Children Watch the Food Network

At first I thought it was kind of cool that my kids like watching the food network, partly because it was what I wanted to watch. But, there is a downside.

My youngest son is by nature a finicky eater to say the least. He is like most kids his age. If it’s pizza, hamburgers, or chocolate, he’s in. When he eats he looks like he’s eating rotten sauerkraut or asparagus.  The funny thing is that he is vain enough to know he doesn’t want to be on Americas Funniest Videos for that.

Now that he has been watching the Iron Chef America when we ask him if he likes his food he sounds like a food critic. My wife made him some homemade macaroni and cheese and he said he didn’t like the texture! When we had chicken he complained that it was a bit too salty for him. The presentation lacked creativity (just kidding on that one). He did believe the left-over rib eye steak from the Black Angus was a little fatty. I thought it was great.

So, be careful what you let your children watch on TV.

Thus saith me.