Friday, July 30, 2010

What's thine is mine, the liberal way.

A political cartoon published in 1909 crticisi...Image via Wikipedia
Every now and then something happens that just crystallizes a particular idea I have. Yesterday, I had one of those moments.

One of my co-workers is a liberal. She claims to be conservative personally, but, a liberal politically. That is sort of like being on a diet when you are not eating but a glutton when you are eating.

As we are working a "client" enters the room. We are supposed to have all our "clients" sign-in whenever they come by. She looks around for a pen and sees she does not have one. She asks me if I have one. Of course I do, as an ex-construction worker, I know to never come to work without my tools. Apparently she has never been sent back home without pay for not bringing her tools. Anyways, I look for one of my extra ones that I wouldn't mind not receiving back, because of course this is not the first time there has been a pen shortage in the office.  She sees a nice  gel tip pen (which I was reaching for to give her),  points at it and declares, "Give me that one, you have two!" (Spoken with just a bit of attitude like I would be selfish for having thought ahead and brought not one but two pens to work in case one ran out of ink.)

"Spoken like a true liberal." I replied. "I have two, you forgot to bring your own so what is mine is yours because you think you have the right to redistribute my pen wealth. Back in the day we used to call taking something that wasn't yours stealing. How liberal of you."

My colleagues response; her mouth stayed shut (which normally does not), and she closed her eyes because she knew I called it right.

Now, I know it was just a pen, all was said in fun, but, the truth is, liberals do believe they have the right to decide who keeps what. I earn it, you earn it , liberals give it to whom they see fit.

No thanks.  I rather be free to give a pen than have my government steal it from me.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wrong is wrong not matter what the song!

LOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 13:  Elaine Porko, ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
I keep hearing the same old emotionally charged songs full of gibberish from supporters of illegal immigration. They attach it to womens' rights, to the prejudice felt by many African Americans, to the sad stories of families being torn apart by the separation that would result from deportation for being ILLEGAL.  But, they never address the truth. Illegal is wrong.

Until someone from the "illegals should be legal" camp can tell us why they, just because they look like some of our legal citizens, should be allowed to freely and without any process, that immigrants from other nations go through, enter our great county, I do not want to hear the dumpster loads of emotional blather we hear being propagated by the media.

When will the mainstream media show some real honesty and ask why illegal immigrants should be allowed across the Mexican border and immigrants from Africa and Asia and Europe should bother with following the law?

When is the mainstream media going to have the courage to investigate the La Raza movement? Will they ask the obvious question, would Americans rather be under American laws and protections or  cartels, opps I mean  Mexican protection and laws?

When will judges be held accountable for ruling as if they were above the law?

Wrong is wrong. Illegal is illegal no matter how much you emotionalize it.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fiorina in and Boxer out!

GARDEN GROVE, CA - NOVEMBER 4:  Former Hewlett...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
SACRAMENTO, CA – U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina today issued the following statement in response to the Office of Management and Budget report released this afternoon projecting that the federal deficit will hit a record $1.47 trillion this year:

“Today’s report underscores just how deep a pit Barbara Boxer and Washington have dug for the people of this country. Under their watch, unemployment continues to soar, and we now know our federal deficit will reach a record $1.47 trillion this year. Still, Boxer remains intent on spending even more of taxpayers’ money and continues to talk about even more earmarks and even more government growth.

“It is painfully clear that Barbara Boxer and her colleagues in Washington have spent far too much of our money – and have no intention of changing direction anytime soon. Americans are already on the hook for billions of dollars in bailouts, and we simply cannot afford another six years of Boxer’s free-spending ways. Barbara Boxer obviously has no intention of making the tough choices necessary to set our nation on a path toward fiscal sanity, which is why we must replace her this November with a senator who will.”
PTVoice is voting for Carly Fiorina!

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Oh No, It's Antonio

Antonio Villaraigosa speaking at an ACLU event.Image via Wikipedia
I live in Southern California, in a suburb of Los Angeles. My grandparents bought, lost and bought a home in Los Angeles during the great depression. I  work for the second largest school district in the country, Los Angeles Unified School District. I like to call us, LA Dis-unified.

Recently, the mayor of LA, Antonio Villaraigosa, has made the news quite a bit. Not for the plans he has to bring more business and jobs to LA, which I don't think he has. Not for the brilliant way he has handled the budget crisis which the whole state, country and world is facing. Not for the way he has tried to take over schools and staffing them with overpaid and under experienced people looking for an educational silver bullet.

What I do hear about the mayor is that he is dating a newscaster, not reporting free tickets to local sporting events, showing up for photo ops, and of course, falling off his bike.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is much more concerned about "his" image rather than the strength of his city. Los Angeles needs jobs. Los Angeles needs to be a city that is business friendly. I don't see Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa doing anything to make businesses want to come to LA.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has tried to take over LAUSD by planting people on the school board and trying to run several schools. If you want to see childish, immature people "acting" like adults watch a LAUSD board meeting, if  you can stay awake. Look at the "diversity" of staff at the Mayors schools. If that's diverse I am the Prince of Persia. 

Check out Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's work with the LAPD. He cuts overtime and gives millions to "gang prevention mediators" I think they are called. The police I talk to say the mediators are involved in a lot of crimes. But Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa pays them and supplies them with Blackberry phones. 

For me, it's "OH no, Antonio."

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