Saturday, October 30, 2010

PTVoice's Loose Cannon Fire 10 30 Edition

A cannon on Alcatraz IslandImage via Wikipedia

WikiLeaks - Is the point of releasing these documents to stop abuse by Iraqi allies?
If the point is not to save innocent lives then it is just self serving propaganda of some sort.
As for our leakage; why is it so easily attainable?

Obama and Global Trade - Wow, Jenny Chang, I believe the "mostly white racists" didn't vote for the morons who tax the crap out of businesses and force up labor costs thus forcing jobs out of the state and country. Here in California the Democratic led policies have led to a loss of over 1.2 MILLION jobs since 2005.
T Giethner? Isn't he part of the brainless trust that brought us the great bank bailout?
There is apparently global cooling toward President Obama and his policies.
Vote out the Dems!!!!

"Another wrinkle: the health insurance tax credits available through the law are keyed to relatively Spartan insurance plans, not as generous as most big employers provide."
What the Democrats plan shafts the average worker too? Of course the Democrats plan hurts everyone. Will it hurt the "rich" more? Of course not.
The Democrats can always count on their voting base to let them abuse them and yet still vote Democrat. Amazing.
Wake up California!!! Vote Whitman, Fiorina, Tran!!!

I don't need a get out and vote campaign to vote these Dumskull Democrats out of office.
I just look at the cost of everything around me and listen to the sound of businesses and jobs leaving the state to avoid moronic anti-business, anti-job taxes.
Vote the Dems out!!! No Brown, No Boxer. No Sanchez.
Yes Whitman, Fiorina, and Tran!
And no new taxes!!!

First of all it's good to see Benedict Arnold go. He should of shut up tonight.
Second, Meg is smart to not agree. Brown has the entire propaganda wing of the Democratic party plus shameless clowns like Gloriless Allred to do his dirty work.

Thanks, Benedict Arnold. Take off Maria's pants and admit you are a Democrat in Republicans clothing.

Prop. 22 - If there is not enough money, there is not enough money. Forcing the state to send money to one fund is crazy and irresponsible. Sort of like a spoiled brat crying out, "I want my bottle!!!"

Thanks to the Dems, 1.2 million jobs and counting have been lost by Californians since 2005. If you want a job vote republican, if you want to be a dependent leach, vote democrat.

The scham is the job Reid has done as a Senator and leader.
Vote the schamster out!

Villiariagosa’s new retirement plan. - Well, there you have it.
Proof that Democrats big spending was a stupid idea in the first place.
Proof that Democrats run better ponzi schemes than governments.
Proof that if you give a Democrat a dollar, he'll spend $10.

"Nearly 90 Los Angeles police officers will be pulled off the streets and put to work running a new jail facility"
Democrats: Police off the streets and into prisons.
Republicans: Criminals off the streets and into prisons.

Wake up California!!!
Jerry Brown will has not been a good governor, mayor or attorney general. Governor moonbeam is in his own orbit that will kill jobs, education and the California dream.
Go Meg, way to tell the truth about Brown. Too bad most of California thinks he will actually try to help.
1.2 million + lost jobs in California since 2005 under Democratic leadership.
Vote them all out!!!

Ron Artest - You know, you got to love this guy. He may be in his own orbit, but, his heart is in the right place.
I think he is one big reason the Lakers will three-peat their way to #17.

Is 600 too small of a group for B Boxer?
It looks like Carly is concerned about everyone not just some special interest loudmouths.

Thanks Mr. President.
Thanks Democratic party.
The POTUS is supposed to defend the borders of the USA, not people who illegally cross them!
We, the citizens of the USA do not need Mexico to infest us.
Come Tuesday it is time to begin to cleanse the country of these Democrats who are more socialist than American!

Get out and vote California.
Remember while you vote that in California, while under Democratic senate controlled leadership, over 1.2+ million jobs lost to Californians.
Vote Republican for jobs and prosperity.

These are some of my personal shots and I would love to have YOU add yours!
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Friday, October 29, 2010

Potholes, Potheads, and Politicians

A large pothole on a country road.Image via Wikipedia
Happy Friday everyone! I am glad it is Friday, it has been a week full of stuff that needed to be done. On this Friday I was thinking about what I would like to see dealt with and or removed. Maybe call it a Flush it Friday?

Here are three things I would like to see flushed from my life. The first is the every increasing, in number and girth, potholes on the streets I drive each day. There is a new one just outside my driveway smack dab in the middle of the road! Every time I come or I go that pothole must now be navigated. But, that is only one of the growing number of potholes I am noticing. I think city streets are showing the effects of the recession/depression we are in.

The next item on my list of "got to go's"  is the potheads trying to inflict their "need" upon the rest of us. Here in California there is a proposition to legalize marijuana. Only potheads would try to make an illegal substance legal under the guise of stopping the illegal drug trade. It doesn't make sense to me. But, many people didn't think a certain President inhaled... These potheads and their goofy "just make it legal and it won't be illegal any more" agenda must go.

Lastly, I would like to see some politicians make an exit. Just call me Senator Barbara Boxer and her save a fish cripple the farming industry policies must be removed. Jerry Brown and his silly "live within your means and no new taxes without voter approval" con of a platform must go. Live within your means means (for Democrats) no new services and maybe less. No new taxes without voter approval means Jerry Moonbeam Brown will ask Californians to pony up more money (citizens live on less while government lives on more). That is Jerry's plan! Not a good plan for me.

So, Californians, let's flush these things out of our state. 
Happy Flush it Friday!
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why the Lakers Will Win Again

The President welcomes the Los Angeles Lakers ...Image via Wikipedia
The Lakers are back and the season has begun. I love it and I'm ready to watch them go for #17! As you can tell I am a bit of a Laker fan.Yes, I know the Celtics got the big blow-hard and the Heat put together the big 2 1/2, but it's still the Lakers who sit on the thrown. Here are the reasons why I think the Lakers are going to three-peat.

Because I said so.

Because Ron Artest is crazy and great in crazy games and situations. When the going gets chaotic, he's right at home, game 7 last year is my witness.

The Lakers will three-peat because Pau Gasol now knows not only that he can win and be great but, how to win and be great. 

Kobe Bryant wants to win more than normal humans can imagine.

Derrick Fischer leads with guts, instinct and knows how to counter-balance Kobe's intensity so the rest of the team can flourish.

Kobe wants to be the Laker to take the Lakers to #17 and beyond.

The new kids on the block bring...youth.

Kobe wants to tie MJ.

The long arm of Lamar will fill in the blanks and give the Lakers whatever they need when they don't even know they need it.

Kobe wants to be 2 up on Shack.

Bynum is now grown up and became a man last year by playing hurt and will now have respect and maybe get some calls.

The new vets, Blake and crew will hit shots and make plays and sacrifice to get that ring baby.

Phil Jackson is a Zen master, witch, whatever, he just gets the team to play as a team.

Kobe's team loves to be a team. Notice Kobe hugging his players when they hit the big shots. (Remember the big fat daddy, just walking off the court saying dumb stuff like, "One lucky shot deserves another.") Kobe has become a leader. 

So, if you are not a Laker fan, too bad because the Lakers will take the trophy again!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What is an Extreme Conservative to do?

No political correctnessImage via Wikipedia
The contempt that the left has for the average American citizen is simply amazing. The belief that the left has that they can determine truth allows them to say anything and call it truth. Calling themselves "Politically Correct" is one example. Who says they are correct? And they have the nerve to proclaim they are moderates. Now, to me this is just astounding. When did Socialism become moderate? When did abortion become moderate? When did  the injustice of allowing  murderers to live while the families of victims are denied any sense of justice become a moderate point of view? When did the complete intolerance for people who believe in the Judeo-Christian world view become a moderate mainstream American stance?

Who says this crap? The mainstream media, also known as the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party. The other culprit is our beloved educational system. Just try being a Conservative in a leftist based society. I do it everyday. Who is teaching our children that Republicans are bigots and hate all people of color. My liberal colleagues are quite dogmatic when it comes to their intolerance of conservatives. A few years ago my daughters fourth grade teacher had the students vote for who they thought should be president. She, without a thought, pontificated about how wonderful a savior Obama would be and how awful George Bush and those Republicans have been. My daughter knew she was a fool and wondered why her teacher should be so brazenly biased.

Is someone, a conservative, an extremist? Isn't that a no brainer. To be conservative means you avoid extremes. Extreme taxation. Extreme government control and centralization. Extreme government regulation and intrusion. But, the left, using the media as their bully pulpit, continually lies and deceives Americans by calling conservatives extremists.

Where was the media when the President took over 1/6 of the economy by enacting a health care bill without the representatives of the American people reading it? Was that a conservative approach? That was extremism.

We are not extremists to call for less taxes and less government regulations.
America, take back the middle!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No Tax Tuesday: Teachers on the Dole

"Teacher Appreciation" featured phot...Image via Wikipedia
Happy No Tax Tuesday to you all! I started out this Tuesday edition on a thought that it would be great to give the average and non-average citizen a break by having a "No Tax Tuesday." It has no evolved into a weekly rant about taxes. I am not sure if anyone is really paying attention or agrees, but, it makes me feel better. 

This week I would like to take aim at the misuse and abuse of our tax dollars by school districts. Unions and Democrats love to use the term, "saving jobs" for instance, "saving hundreds of teachers jobs." Well, how is that done?

I work at a middle school and we have two "pool teachers" at our site. That is more than $100k a year. What do these teachers do? First of all they receive a regular teachers' paycheck. They do not teach a class. They do not lower the student to teacher ratio. They do fill in for teachers who might be ill or who are attending a meeting or participating in an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meeting.  

I do not have anything personally against these people, they are just trying to make a living. But, if their is not enough students to form a class for them to teach what is their purpose? Isn't this kind of a no brainer? To put it simply if you have 90 students with a 30:1 ratio you need 3 teachers. You do not need 4. When the district holds more teachers than they need that only means that the district spending more than it should!

So, in the end, it is misused tax dollars. Teacher on the dole is an expensive form of welfare that we can not afford.
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Jerry Brown, My Union and Me

Voting boothImage via Wikipedia
During elections I can always count on my union to send out their totally biased and frighteningly unconcerned with balance voters guide. In the past I have found it to be very helpful, if not disappointing. After I have studied up, to the best of my abilities, trying to see who is actually who and what they really stand for or against, I look to my unions voter guide to help make any final choices.

This voting season has proved to me again that although I can think of maybe two times I have agreed on a political candidate or issue with my union, the guide does provide me with a useful service. If I am not sure if a candidate is a nut, I check my unions voter guide. If he or she is recommended by my union I know for sure I should not, under any circumstances vote for said candidate. This season my union is backing (surprise!) Jerry Brown because they fear Meg Whitman will "ruin education." Yet, the teacher's union will turn a  blind eye to the state of affairs that J Brown left the Oakland school district in . Not only did he create a $100 million deficit, push the district to the edge of bankruptcy, he is also a huge proponent of charter schools. I know charter schools are a wonderful fad and a tiny minority have been successful, but, on the whole they are not  more successful than normal public schools even with the ability to cherry pick high achieving students and jettison those who prove to be "challenging." Charter schools do not need to operate under union control or rules. Charter schools are not a pro-union alternative. But, my union will back J Brown because he is a Democrat.  

So, I call on my fellow educators to look beyond themselves, and not just let Jerry Brown and the Democrats fear you into voting submission. Why vote for someone who will tell you he will protect you and yet, toss you out in favor of the latest politically correct educational fad? 
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