Hello everybody and happy Flush 'em Friday!!!
Today I would like to start off the list with one of the biggest bigots, racist and plain goof-ball American politics has ever seen...
Today I would like to start off the list with one of the biggest bigots, racist and plain goof-ball American politics has ever seen...
- Maxine Waters...for wanting to tax banks (does this include the one her husband has an interest in?) out of existence. The gangster politician speaks.
- The Feds, DOJ, for raiding Gibson guitars and suggesting that they outsource labor to Madagascar.
- Progressives: because what is progressive (positive in any way) about the progressive agenda?
- Frank McCourt...take the money and leave.
- People who turn right from the far left lane (3 lane roads) with about 100 feet to go, while smoking and texting.
- Again, purple cars.
- Soccer players who flop and lay on the ground for extended periods of time.
- Housing prices, they still need to drop.
- Individual bags a chips, because the amount of chips keeps getting smaller.
- Goecaches that aren't maintained.
That is my list for this week.
What's on yours?