Saturday, October 23, 2010

Loose Cannon Fire

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Oct. 7, 2003) -- Electro...Image via Wikipedia
Food for thought:

Democrats vs Republicans - The basic difference is the since 2005, under the leadership of Boxer and the Left over 1.2 million Californians have lost their jobs. She wants to continue those policies, such as shutting down farming for a non-endangered smelt fish. Jobs loss plus higher cost for food. Great leadership by B Boxer.
Boxer also supports crap like "protecting" teacher jobs for students that don't exist.
Money mismanagement 101 (Instructor: B Boxer).
Fiorina knows we need business to flourish if we want jobs for Californians.

Jane "the Pain" Harman - She encouraged audience members to vote on Nov. 2, and to stay engaged in public policy.
"We all depend on the best people, with the best skills," she said. "You are those people."
All South Bay voters should be encouraged to vote OUT Harman! She's clueless and companies are leaving with jobs in tow.

Octomom - Some things just should not be allowed. No laws needed, just basic common sense.
Wasn't eight enough?

Heaven help us if Jerry Brown wins.
Jerry Brown will be so "tough" on those nasty rich businesses that they will just move to a business friendly state and take their jobs with them.
Wake up California! Over 1.2 million jobs have been lost in California since 2005 under Democratic leadership!!!

Prop. 19 - Don't hold your breath tokers.
This Prop will blow over soon enough.

It is bad enough that I can't get from my apartment to my car without having to walk through some smokers cloud as they smoke outside their homes. Do I need a group of pot smokers too?
No on 19.

I hate the “polls” because the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party (the nightly news) loves to make it sound like “all” Californians are liberals.
It is time for conservatives to take the state!

Fanny and Freddie, just more evidence that the government can only mess things up.  The basic stance of Democrats is more government control. Reality tells us that more government is NEVER good.

My co-pay and pharmacy co-pays just doubled.
My emergency visit doubled too, from $50 to $100!
I supposedly have a good insurance plan.
How is this better?
Thanks Pres, thanks Dems.
Vote these people out!!!

Meg Whitman - I don't care how much she spends.
I care that she is willing to invest herself and her personal fortune to lead this great state back to greatness.
What does Jerry Brown offer? Who did he say was in his pocket?

If you have a few shots you'd like to add...take a shot!
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Friday, October 22, 2010

California Needs a Brown Out

Jerry Brown and Jim JonesImage via Wikipedia
California needs a Brown out, a Jerry Brown out of office out. It is way past time for Jerry to retire. He still knows how to say stuff without saying anything of importance. He knows how to argue his point even if he doesn't really have one. He knows how sound like he believes one thing even though nothing he has done nothing that backs that up. He knows that the propaganda wing of his political party won't call him out and press him to actually say something meaningful. Jerry Brown knows how to be what he is, a career politician.

One thing I have heard Jerry say over and over is that he knows how to fix California, by living within our means and .... Ok, I agree that is a nice place to start, but has he ever done that? And will the California legislature, which is run by a Democratic majority, run him or will he stop them from their business as usual agenda? Not a chance. Jerry Brown is a lifelong Democrat with a history of moonbeam thought processes. I ask this, if Jerry Brown messed up the California economy the first time, why give him a second chance?
What is frightening about California is that J Brown leads in any kind of poll. I work in education and my union tells me that I should vote for Jerry Brown. Which is one reason why I will not vote for Jerry Brown. Just because J Brown is a Democrat any teacher's union will back the nut up. But, Jerry Brown is a BIG proponent of charter schools. Less than 1 in 5 charter schools are any better than any other pubic school and that is with the ability to cherry pick high preforming students and dump any problematic students if they are displaying any behavioral issues. 

Get out and vote California, vote for a Brown out!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fiorina's Opportunity vs Boxer Dependence

FreedomImage via Wikipedia
One of the great ideals our country holds dear is independence. We broke free from England . The American dream of succeeding on your own terms, live and let live, own your own home. I think that this ideal of independence is at the heart of much of the political debate and voting choices offered this year. 

I woke up this morning and read that "Fiorina says she wants others to be able to rise to success." That got me to thinking. Opportunity is different than dependence. Opportunity is independence and a government bailout or program is dependence. Independence is freedom, while dependence is servitude. Isn't that what we are being asked to vote on? Do I want a candidate and a government that seeks to free me or make me dependent? 

One candidate, Fiorina, believes that the government makes the American dream too hard for too many  people. The other candidate, Boxer, believes the government needs to do more to "help those people out." Boxer voted for and still believes in the Obama bail out. Fiorina  is against the bailout. 

The Obama bailout that Barbara Boxer still backs helped big business, banks and car makers, not the American people. We, as American tax payers will be enslaved to that debt for the rest of our lives and will pass it on to our children just as the last government ponzi-scheme (Social-Security) has been passed down to us. Is that freedom? Not in my book!

Fiorina understands that California and the United States needs freedom from government shackles, not more.   Let me end with this thought. As compassionate and humanistic as welfare sounds, is it? Do people on welfare stay on welfare or move on to success? I have worked with students and families from LA projects for over 20 years, and the projects are living testaments that the welfare system only serves to keep down those it professes to help.

So, do you want freedom or government dependence? Vote for freedom.  Vote for Carly Fiorina!
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

No Tax Tuesday: Why Vote for More Taxes?

Paying taxes is required for both citizens and...Image via Wikipedia
Happy No Tax Tuesday to you all. The question for the day is: Why vote for a party that's only answer to any problem is to tax us more? The absurdity is that although they always claim it is about everyone "paying their fair share" and "investing" in the future it is really just about the "redistribution of wealth." The problem is I am not wealthy and the money just goes to an ever growing government bureaucracy.

Jerry Brown keeps babbling about Meg Whitman wanting to help herself out by wanting to curb the capital gains tax. I don't know if J Brown knows this, but, you do not have to be "rich" to pay capital gains taxes. To me, the less you make the more it hurts to have to pay a capital gains tax. I mean, why should someone making $30k or less a year have to pay taxes on the measly 2.squat interest they get on their personal savings account? That is big government greed and political deception.

How about the death tax? One source says the annual average for a 4 person family is about $63k a year. So, you "invest" in your home and leave it to your children. The government has a right to up to 40% of your estate. Again, I ask, wouldn't that hurt the average American more than the "rich"? Of course, but, the Democrats are screaming bloody murder that taxation is about making the "rich" pay their fair share.

Everyday I drive my car to work just like many working Americans. Once a week, maybe more or less depending on how fortunate you are to work near home or not. About $0.63 per gallon goes to taxes. Again, I ask, does $25 look bigger to the average working American or to the "rich"? I can do a lot with $25. By the way, I have nothing against people who make more money than me.

The point today on No Tax Tuesday is that the Democrats always proclaim that the taxes they plan to levee on Americans will be on "the rich" not the average American. The truth is that taxes always punish the middle and lower classes the most, not matter how sanctimoniously the Democrats proclaim that they must tax the rich.  So, who do you want representing you?
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Welcome to Obama's Blame Game 2010

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama campaigns in Onawa, Iow...Image via Wikipedia
It's amazing. I turn on the news and there is the President of the Untied States of America blaming George W. Bush for all the problems he inherited and that the evil Republicans are the real problem not his failing policies. 

Mr. President, man up and shut up. Is it George W. Bush's fault that the money you gave banks was used by the banks to try to wait out the home mortgage  crisis? No, the President was clearly out of his league when he tried to understand and manipulate the mortgage industry. No real sense of history and no understanding of how the market actually works. The POTUS only thinks naively that he can control the home sales and mortgage industry via his policies. 

Next question; is it George W. Bush's fault and the minority of Republicans in both houses fault that the health care bill YOU crammed through to passage without being read (breaking your own campaign promise), is it their fault that it is already beginning to cripple middle class and lower income, basically every working and non-working American financially? No. By the way, my HMO out of pocket cost already doubled this year, from $10.00 co-pay to $20.00 co-pay per visit. My pharmacy cost went from $5.00 to $10.00 and up. Not to mention the $50..00 to $100.00 emergency room visit hike. And my insurance plan is a good one!

Now, this isn't even mentioning the ghastly team of regulators and the "job" they are doing on Americans without a whisper from the propaganda wing of the left, AKA local news.  Lurita Doan describes one example,
Just last week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued partial guidance to increase ethanolcontent in gasoline to 15% , even though ethanol’s supposed benefits have been solidly debunked.Studies by the EPA have shown that ethanol increases carbon emissions, drives up costs of corn and food products, hinders engine efficiency, and does little to make our nation more energy independent.
In short, the EPA’s ethanol policy is a ploy, designed to prop up a failed industry, with yet another multi-billion dollar bailout from taxpayers.
What really bothers me about the blame game and lack of integrity, besides the obvious childish pointing of the finger at GW Bush and the Republicans, is the familiarity of the use of a scape-goat. Think about it. What dynamic speaker blamed a group of people and worked up his audiences into a frothing frenzy of blame and hate? Ya. I don't hear alot of HOPE, just blame. Time for the POTUS and his crew to be voted out in mass.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Loose Cannon Fire

Anping cannonsImage via Wikipedia
"What's interesting here is that (Parker) is a member of the generation that really gets it," said Stephen Gutwillig, a spokesman for the Drug Policy Alliance, the main beneficiary of Parker's contribution. "We think he's pivotal to the future of drug policy reform in the country."
Reform? Progressives (oxymoron in themselves), liberals and leftists call their ideas reform in hopes that people who are too high to think the issues through will believe they are actually trying to reform society in a positive way.

The beginning of the end of the greatest pyramid scheme ever known to mankind, also known as Social Security, has come upon us. The people can no longer support it, yet, our government still tries to sucker more people into the scam.
Time to get out, even though it's too late to not suffer.

WAY PAST TIME TO BE OUT OF AFGHANISTAN! It is not a winnable war. It is like Vietnam but in the desert.
President Obama, let it go. Stop allowing American soldiers to die!

Wow, I am amazed. Jerry Brown is able to stand before Californians and re-invent himself. He keeps saying he'll be tough. The truth is he could say he'd kill all children under the age of 3 and still half the state would vote for him as blindly as they vote for Boxer and Waters.

Someone please tell Maxine Waters to not speak!
She has kept her district in poverty for decades, done virtually nothing to provide industry and jobs, yet gets re-elected. Her policy: A hand out is better than a hand up.

Brown knows how to sound like he'll do something different, but, every con man knows how to tell you what you want to hear.
The Democrats are running and ruining the state. Over 1.2 million jobs lost since 2005!
Vote for Meg!
Vote for Carly!
Vote for Tran!
Out goes the libs!

If we the people are forced to buy something that's not freedom.
If the government forces us to buy health insurance yet doesn't force price structures then "providers" will just raise prices one way or another. Does that help common people or big business?

We the people will pay for this folly. My co-pay, and pharmacy pay-out doubled already.
Let's hope this judge understands the constitution.

China is kicking our fannies because they are actually produce products.
We, on the other hand, we produce tax codes and health care bills.

"My opponent favors big banks , she's against Wall Street reform," Reid said, adding that her views are sympathetic to big health insurance companies.
Actually, Harry, by forcing EVERY SINGLE PERSON to purchase insurance with out forcing price limits, you are the friend of big business insurance companies. Because now we must buy their product and they can charge what they want. If not, you are just a financial moron.
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