Saturday, August 7, 2010

Men Are Just Happier People

What do you expect from such simple creatures?   
 Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks.. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.

Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck. 

You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache. 

You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. 
No wonder men are happier. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Bad Call by the Judge on Prop. 8

U.S. Supreme CourtImage via Wikipedia
This article by Craig Huey was so good I just had to share it. Thanks Craig for a rational discussion.

Ruling labels sexual orientation as a “civil right”

A historical ruling by U.S. District Court Chief Judge Vaughn Walker said Proposition 8 was unconstitutional…again overturning two votes by the people of California showing that they want marriage to be between one man and one woman only.

This historic case is now on its way to the liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and could eventually go to the U.S. Supreme Court.

No other political decision to change American society even comes close to the impact of this one.

This decision affects every marriage law in America. All 45 states that uphold traditional marriage are now in danger of having this institution overturned by judges.

By overturning the people’s vote, the judge has declared that this is not a republic—it is an oligarchy ruled by judges. More specifically, it is ruled by judges who create law regardless of the will of the people.

The Proposition 8 trial was biased from the start, beginning with Judge Walker…a homosexual himself…creating a circus in his courtroom, where Christianity and the church were on trial.

The judge’s decision is redefining same-sex marriage as a civil right; this new definition will radically change our society.

This is not a civil rights issue; it’s an issue of choice. Judge Walker based his decision on a distorted view of civil liberties.

Just as you can’t discriminate against people based on their race, you also can’t discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation.

But choosing one’s personal sexual behavior isn’t the same as what defines one’s race.

Redesigning society based on this confusion—that a chosen sexual orientation is no different from the unchosen, unchangeable characteristic of race—is based on faulty and dangerous reasoning.

There are some things we don’t choose. No one can choose his or her race or height—any more than he or she can choose any gene.

Whom we enter into a relationship with, however, is voluntary—it’s a matter of free will.

Homosexual behavior is a choice, not a civil right. Race is not a choice, and is a civil right.

Now, because of the court’s decision based on newly created civil rights, our religious liberty and freedom of speech are in danger.

If this decision is not overturned, watch for costly lawsuits to mount against churches if they don’t allow homosexual weddings.

And, watch out for more churches, religious organizations and pastors to grow increasingly reluctant to speak out against what they call the sin of homosexuality for fear of accusations of hate speech, discrimination and civil rights violations.

Plus, this will affect religious employees, Christian schools and bookstores, photographers, wedding-cake bakers, rental agencies and other businesses—all of them could be targets of ruinous lawsuits.

In New Mexico, Elaine Huguenin, a professional wedding photographer, was fined and found guilty of discrimination for not wanting to photograph a lesbian wedding.

And two doctors in San Diego were sued for refusing to inseminate a lesbian woman. They referred her to another doctor. After she had the child, she sued, winning her civil rights case that would force the doctors to act against their own freedom of conscience.

In the coming months, expect the media, politicians, various experts and the homosexual lobby to frame the decision as a civil rights issue, not an issue to protect our society and our kids, or to uphold the benefits and value of marriage.

For example:

* We’ll be labeled divisive, intolerant and hateful.
* Opposition to the sin of homosexuality will be called bigoted.
* Celebrities and well-known politicians will grab media attention to denounce us.
* Christian love and the Bible’s truth will be distorted and questioned.
* We’ll be accused of being mean-spirited for not letting two people who are in love get married.

Our response must be patient, loving and focused on being pro-Biblical marriage. We must not hesitate to tell the truth about the sin of homosexuality. But the issue is being pro-marriage.

As Christians, we must reject the media’s stereotyping of us as angry and hateful towards homosexuals.

Craig Huey can be read at
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Same Sex Marriage Forced Upon Us All

Lesbian wedding.Image via Wikipedia
Before I continue my thoughts on The Americas, One Nation, I must say something about the ruling of Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker in California, mu home state. 
Walker, however, found that the gay marriage ban violates the Constitution's due process and equal protection clauses while failing "to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license." -Lisa Leff The Associated Press
Due process? Equal protection? Do gay and lesbian people not receive due process when they go to court? In what cases are gays and lesbians denied due process and equal protection? The ones where they are asking to be seen as married, I guess. I don't think that if a gay or lesbian person commits a felony they are denied due process or equal protection because they are gay. Well, maybe under President Obamas' new policy for the armed forces where they must tell. But really, where are they denied due process?

For me the real dangers lie in what people who do not hold their viewpoint may be forced to do. If two gay or lesbian people want to call themselves married, whatever. But to force me to recognize them as such is a different story. Why? Because many churches and denominations believe that a marriage is between a man and a women, because God said so. Now, because the court of popular (is it?) opinion says marriage is between any two people, it is so. At least in the courts it will be so. Will churches be sued for not allowing gay and lesbians membership (although some liberal denominations already are OK with it)? What happens if I don't want my child being taught by someone who forces that opinion on them in class? No freedom for me and my children. Yes, I know it happens because I teach with people who do it now.

There you have it. The liberal anything goes agenda/belief system forced upon us. Freedom? I don't think so.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Southwest under Mexican Rule?

Various prescription and street drugs may caus...Image via Wikipedia

I am going to harp on this just a bit more. Just what is it that some people believe is so great and superior about the Mexican government in comparison to the United States of America that some groups like La Raza and MALDEF want to return the entire southwest back to Mexican rule? Now Mexico may be a great vacation destination and honestly most people I know who are Mexican citizens or of Mexican decent are good, honest people. But Mexico and politics that's different. No thanks.One "export" we seem to be dealing with way too much is drugs, illegal drugs. My local newspaper had this to say about Mexico’s war on drugs:

The most recent official toll of the drug war dead came in mid-June, when the attorney general said 24,800 had died. Valdes did not specify a time frame for the new statistics.
The government does not regularly break down murder statistics, but leading newspapers who kept their own counts say last month was the deadliest yet under Calderon: According to national daily Milenio, 1,234 were killed in July. The Mexican government says most victims were involved in the drug trade.  – Daily Breeze

Now there is also rumor of a multi-million dollar hit out on the famous Sherriff Joe from Arizona! Well, there you go, another fine demonstration of the awesome way things would be if we just let La Raza have its’ way; more killings, more drugs, maybe even the legalization of drugs.  No thank you.

More to come: The nation?

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

La Raza gets its' wish...

MONUMENTO A LA RAZAImage via Wikipedia
OK, just for sake of argument, let's say that La Raza gets their wish, they "re-conquer" the entire tri-state area  (wait that's Professor Dufenshmirtz) I mean the entire Southwest. So, they "re-conquer the entire Southwest and...say here you are Mexico, desfruta! Will Mexico deal with the added responsibilities with the same integrity, fairness and ability to provide jobs that they do now with just Mexico? Will the Mexican government recognize La Raza as a legitimate political  party? Will all the world be set aright and milk and honey flow?

Then, if they do re-conquer the entire Southwest they will have to negotiate with the drug cartels, the Mexican Mafia (or government, it gets a bit confusing who's who), and the infamously corrupt police force. How does La Raza think their wonderful ideals  will be accepted by the Mexican government?  If they do get through all the corruption they will only find a corrupt government battling it out with drug cartels for power?  What will La Raza do when they are not heard then?

Well maybe La Raza has thought this far ahead and plans to appoint leadership and assume control themselves? Control of what? All the empty businesses vacated by non-natives. Just in case you would like a preview of that take a realistic look at Cuba. Where did industry go? The only thing that remained was the fields and a dictator who had no clue how to manage them. Do you think Silicon Valley and all their human resources will just sort of hang in there and hope for the best? What about Toyota and Honda? Not a chance in the world. All non-farmed based businesses will evacuate faster than you can say, "Donde vas?"

Well, I'm just wondering what La Raza really thinks will happen.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Are you for us or against us?

United States of AmericaImage via Wikipedia
Are you for us or are you against us? Simple question. Simple answer; yes or no.
Can someone be anti-American and be an American? Doesn't that sound...contradictory? It does to me. Yet, what I hear some groups saying sounds a lot like that.

Have you heard of LA RAZA? They are a group that basically doesn't believe in borders and profess anti-imperialism bla bla bla. Throw in some Marxist ideology, blame European whites for all your troubles and call yourself a re-conquistador and there you have it, LA RAZA.

What makes this sort of treasonous spittle dangerous is that it is being forced upon High School students by revisionist History teachers on a daily basis. I have a real problem with this. History teachers should be teaching the History and values of the United States of America, not a group that is set at destroying it. Honestly, I think any teacher that teaches such ideas should have their credentials taken away. I am a teacher and an proud American citizen.

Really, if you don't like America, go someplace else. I'm sure any other country would love to have large groups of anti-imperialist Marxist teachers influencing  their children. I'll bet any Central American or South American country would gladly take them all. If not, maybe Cuba?

Even Tony Blair, the former liberal Prime Minister of Great Britain basically said if immigrants didn't agree with British ideals they were free to go somewhere else. But, here in the USA we have a different form of liberal, the kind where the wife of the President to be wasn't proud to be an American. I am more than a little concerned that this faction has such freedom. As Americans we do have freedom, but not freedom to destroy American ideals from within and teach them to impressionable children.

America, we need to do some house cleaning. More on LA RAZA tomorrow.

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