Friday, September 10, 2010

Pastor Jones vs the POTUS

BAGHDAD, IRAQ - AUGUST 14:   A poster depictin...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
It looks like Pastor Jones was able to do something our spineless Castro want-to-be president was unwilling to do; find and talk to a Muslim who agrees with the rest of America that a Mosque near Ground Zero may not be a good idea, religious freedom aside.

Would you put a strip club next to an elementary school? No, because it would be entirely inappropriate, basic common sense. If I need to explain it to you, you are probably a leftist. Go to the closest shooting range and offer your services as a target.

Seriously,  does the POTUS and the leadership on the left really believe the majority of Americans, Republican or Democrat think "religious freedom" does not include some good old common sense? It does not look like the Left believes in common sense not do they truly believe in the freedom of speech.

Here's the deal; it is a true exercise of freedom to be a Christian yet, it is not an exercise in freedom to blow up people who think differently than you on something like abortion. In the same way, anyone has the freedom to believe as a Muslim, but, it is not freedom to be a radical Jihadist that believes in destroying anyone who does not follow Muslim beliefs.

Simple. Why is it confusing for Democrats?
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sticks and Stones from the Left

WASHINGTON - OCTOBER 29:  Protersters demonstr...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The Dems are resorting to school yard tactics already.
In his introduction of Kaine, Pennsylvania Gov. Edward G. Rendell (D) ridiculed Republicans, saying the GOP is being run by "fruit loops." "It's a party that's slowly but surely being taken over by wackos," he said. "They're nuts. They're flat-out crazy."

What do people do who don't really have a reasonable or logical argument? They yell louder and call names. What do we see the Democrats doing now? Yelling louder and calling names. I mean really, the party that houses Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and champions abusers of their calling like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, is calling Republicans wackos?

Need I remind us that the President of the United States, a Democrat, was mentored by a truly wacko "pastor" of epic proportions. As a community leader the President cut his teeth using the "Rule for Radicals" approach outlined and taught by Saul Alinsky. These are not people who are just a little to the left of the mainstream of America, these are hard core dissidents who disagree with some of the basic ideals of our founding fathers.

There is a reason Americans don't knowingly vote for people that far to the left. We are not socialists. We believe in a free market system. The press needs to fulfill their true function and report the truth, not what they want, as the propaganda wing of the left, the citizenry to believe to be true. 

On the schoolyard trouble makers love to one student that another said something about their mama and doesn't like them. They do it because they can manipulate those they think are not that smart. the left does not believe we as Americans are all that smart or capable of maintaining our own destinies. the lefts leadership believe we need them to raise our children, manage our money, and choose who should be in power.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burn a Koran?

KoranImage via Wikipedia
OK, so there is a pastor in Florida who wants to hold a Burn a Koran day. It kinda sounds like a South Park episode. The press is all over it, like hyenas to a fresh kill.  General David Patraeus is worried it might endanger the troops. My local fishwrap described the Reverends church as "a church that espouses an anti-Islam philosophy." 

So, we have a pastor of a Christian church that does not agree with the Islam belief system that describes Christians as infidels. This is where our press and my fellow Americans of the liberal wing are naive if not simply way off. To Islam we are not good. We are the evil, we are the infidels, we are the bad guys simply because we allow people to choose to believe, or not believe as they see fit. The Jihad was not a "Oh don't hurt me Mr. Crusader" deal. The Jihad was and is a scabbard to the neck, "Would you like to be a Muslim?" experience. You do not get choices to believe or not believe in Islamic countries. Islam is different than Christianity, that is why America fosters freedom and Islamic countries do not.

Although I think the Koran is false and obviously does not lead to peace and harmony, I don't believe burning a Koran will have the ultimate effect that Pastor Jones wants.The question is does he have a right to do so? If people can burn flags and Bibles, why not Korans? 

If the concern is over what the radical Islamic factions will do, then it is a matter of appeasement. Why should 
America appease terrorists? Isn't that the essence of terrorism, to threaten others into submission? 

I do not believe you can ever find peace via appeasement, because terrorists are just global bullies. Bullies just bully more, as do terrorists. I know I am kinda of all over the place on this, but, whether Rev. Jones burns or doesn't burn Korans will not change how Islamic believers or terrorists feel about Americans. The question is will America be terrorized by the scabbard of radical Islamic beliefs or will we stand for freedom.

Unfortunately, the only language bullies and terrorists speak and understand is violence. So, how do you defeat a bully, a terrorist? Walk softly and carry a big bomb.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No Tax Tuesday: What don't they tax?

I was checking over some bills again today and making sure I had them correctly entered in my bill pay account with my bank. I noticed again how many little things get taxed. Even my electricity. I live in an all electric complex so that is my only source of power. 

The Bostonians Paying the Excise ManImage via Wikipedia
Why should we be taxed on standard necessary items such as electricity, gas and water? For a government to tax it's people on things that people can not realistically do without is nothing short of oppressive!

To tax us on items we must us means when I purchase something I must have to keep my family warm or cool and fed the government is charging us every time we provide for our families.

Yes, I know we are not supposed to be taxed for food. But, beware, when the government intrudes upon us by seeking to legislate how much salt is in our food it will not belong that they will seek to pay to the salt csar or salt police with funds directly from food.

Finally, what is the government doing with the money they already have? Is the worlds largest bueracrocy know for fiscal control and getting the most bang for our bucks? The answer to that is a "gimme." I work for the second largest school district in the nation. Waste, mismanagement, poor financial choices, political placement  of administrative positions, all marks of a government bureaucracy that demonstrate waste.

The government does not need or deserve more money. I agree with the tea party, we  are "Taxed Enough Already!"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day for a Conservative

LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 29:  United Teachers...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Happy Monday! I hope you are enjoying your day off. 

Today, if I am not mistaken, is supposed to be a day for labor to celebrate its' victories and the American laborer. I belong to a union because I work in a profession where you must be. I belong to a Teacher's Union. The members of a teachers' union are a little different than say dock workers or construction workers, not quite as visually intimidating. But, on Tuesdays we like to wear red to show our solidarity.

I do find my union helpful during elections. I find that if my union supports a candidate, measure, bond, or bill I should vote opposite of whoever and whatever the union recommends. (If you haven't figured out I'm not a leftist liberal, now you know.)

My union takes dues from me on a monthly basis; $57.42. The funds are used to pay for the building, the staff, lawyers, and the monthly newsletter. Donations are made to other political groups which are supposed to be our allies. I have never seen or heard of any of these "allies" when we are negotiating a new contract or attempting to push through some educational reform. I have asked why we give money to gay and lesbian groups? I am told they are our allies politically. Never seen them except across the hall teaching. 

Anyways, what is the point of labor unions? If they don't learn to work with the company's their members work for they are only power hungry money mongers. 
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