Saturday, November 27, 2010

Loose Cannon Fire 11 27 10

Chinese nuclear bomb on display at "Our t...Image via Wikipedia

Again, over 1.2 million Californians lost their jobs since 2005. Who controls the state legislature, where laws are made? THE DEMOCRATS!!!
Jobs will be scarce until there is a change.
Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer, Jane Harman, Maxine change.

45? So what! In all of America 45 millionaires who side with Obama!? What do you morons think? That their is like 46, 47 millionaires in America. There is more than that within 5 miles of my house.
45. Big deal.

Lobbyists? Labor interests? Big no surprise.
Who did Brown say was in his pocket during that farce of a debate?
Here we go corrupt-o-cats. Business as usual for the party of welfare and no jobs

"But the same poll also found that voters oppose cuts to programs that account for 85 percent of the state budget."
That sounds like it leaves 15% to cut!
Time to cut the cord!!!
Welfare, also known as progressive enslavement program, has never helped, it only enslaves. Time to cut the cord.
I am a teacher. There is still pet projects and pets. I still see more teachers than students in LAUSD. 70,000+ students gone since 2002 means about 2,300 teachers are no longer needed. Time to cut the cord.
Let's see if Jerry Brown will really make the cuts or just Brown us with more taxes.

Harris over Cooley - Get it over with!
Now, we have a clean (?) sweep of Democrats.
Who will they blame, now that not one Republican is left to defend that rights of the middle class?
Get ready for the call for voters to approve taxing the so called rich.
Get ready for take overs of schools.
Get ready for industry to move the heck out of California with the jobs they have to business friendly states.
Over 1.2 million jobs have left California with a Democratic controlled legislature since 2005! And that was with some conservatives able to offer some balance. Now that we Californians foolishly voted in a simple majority vote...who will protect working Californians from the liberal "redistribution" tyranny?

The debacle has begun.
All Democrats all the time. (Here in Calefornia)
Even in the state legislature the simple majority will allow the foolishness to go unchecked.
No blame, just responsibility for their choices, ideology and methods.
Good night and good luck.

What will be interesting is when the left completely runs out of other peoples money.
Who are they going to get to "invest", all the hard working illegal immigrants?
Even the illegals will leave when the jobs leave.
OK, Democrats. Take us to the promised land. We're waiting.
*The LA Times would not post due to “profanity.”

Record Setting Cold in LA - Global warming? I guess Al Gore is not talking at this time so the air is clear.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

Find the Profanity in LA TIMES Denied Reply

No-profanityImage via Wikipedia

I tried to post this reply to a LA TIMES article and was denied because of profanity. Can you help me find the profanity?

"What will be interesting is when the Democrats completely run out of other peoples money.
Who are they going to get to invest, all the hard working illegal immigrants? 
Even the illegal immigrants will leave when the jobs leave.
OK, Jerry and crew, take us to the promised land. We're waiting."

Unless "Democrats and "illegal aliens" are profanity...
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Simply Thanksgiving

The First Thanksgiving, painted by Jean Leon G...Image via Wikipedia
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

As we prepare for the days festivities I am struck with the simple fact that the problem with modern holidays is that they are just too complicated! The simplicity is gone. There is always too much to do. You would think that running over to Honeybaked or your local supermarket and picking up the whole shabang, just add the heat, and everything would be so much simpler. Not so, apparently. Today we must be concerned with plane flights, security checks and pat downs, who is going to sleep where, how long will they be staying, do the plates, tablecloth and silverware match, and just how much will we actually need?

The modern holiday is too much about everything but the original reason for the holiday in the first place. It seems to me that the pilgrims, after surviving against incredible odds, sometimes unfriendly locals, and nature itself, the pilgrims were simply thankful to their Creator for their very lives, their food, shelter and family.

So, at this time I would just like to thank my Creator for my very life, my food (daily bread) that I do not have  to hunt or scavenge for, my home and my loving family.  Enjoy! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No Tax Tuesday

First page of Constitution of the United StatesImage via Wikipedia
Happy No tax Tuesday!
The preamble of the constitution of the United States of America states,
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (Taken from Wikipedia)
 Since this is my weekly rant about taxes and not seeing the need for more government, I would like to point out a few "observations" I have about taxation and the purpose of our government.
1. The government to is to "insure domestice Tranquility." I have never know a tax season to be tranquil. How can ripping money from peoples paychecks ever be perceived as tranquil?
2. The government is to provide for the common defense. Why does one group think we need to surrender our borders and another we should defend them? What kind of naive leftist would sue a state for doing the federal governments job?
3. The government is to "promote the general Welfare." May I point out that the Preamble says to "promote" not provide. There is a big difference between providing and promoting. We are not a welfare state, but, many would like to enslave the people, and have in fact have done so, by promoting and continuing welfare and entitlement programs. Generations of families live in "projects" that have done nothing to promote the general welfare of people but, have in reality kept minorities down by giving them just enough to stay in squaller.
4. The government is to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and out Posterity." When generations only pass off the debt of entitlement to the next generation (even if it is 31 years away) that is not secure the blessing but lessening the chance for prosperity for all.

I do not see my taxes doing what the Preamble states they should do! If the government can not it's job why should my money be misused to do what I do not want done with it? No taxation for mis-representation!