1. State Senator Mark Leno, Democrat San Francisco: Because he authored the bill signed by conservative turned liberal puff governor Schwarzenegger by which "The bulk of the state's public schools will have to provide students with free and safe drinking water." Unfunded, ill conceived and will only take money from other needed resources at school sites in California. Senator Leno is not funny, he must go.
2. Gloria Allred: This ambulance chasing leach who doesn't give a rip about illegal aliens is publicly abusing Senora Diaz Santillan for political gain in an effort to help her friend Jerry Brown. If she wanted "justice" for her "client" she would be in court, not on TV. This shark must go.
3. Assemblyman Warren Furutani, Democrat South Los Angles County: Authored "a bill on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's desk that would allow districts to water down the one provision California now has regarding second-language and art education." Taking a second language is not causing students to drop out. Forcing students to take Algebra in Middle School when most are not cognitively ready produces a culture of failure and dropouts in the name of "college readiness." Drop out Furutani, he needs to go.
4. The McCourts: The divorce is in the hands of the judge. I say part of the settlement is the team must be sold and both McCourts asked to leave the state. I've had enough of the McCourts, they must go.
5. Last but defenitely not least, Jerry Brown: During the debate with Meg Whitman he continually described a hard nosed politcian with Californians as his top priority. Who was he talking about, Ronald Reagan? He surely could not of been talking about himself. Just ask Wild Bill Clinton and CNN. Jerry Brown must go. Time to retire.
This is just a short list of those I would like to see no more. I would love to have you add your "favorites" to my list.