Friday, October 1, 2010

Which Californians Do You Say "Needs to Go?"

Clean drinking water...not self-evident for ev...Image via Wikipedia
This Friday I'm starting a "Need to Go" list. These are the people in California who need to go.

1. State Senator Mark Leno, Democrat San Francisco: Because he authored the bill signed by conservative turned liberal puff governor Schwarzenegger by which "The bulk of the state's public schools will have to provide students with free and safe drinking water." Unfunded, ill conceived and will only take money from other needed resources at school sites in California.  Senator Leno is not funny, he must go.

2. Gloria Allred: This ambulance chasing leach who doesn't give a rip about illegal aliens is publicly abusing Senora Diaz Santillan for political gain in an effort to help her friend Jerry Brown. If she wanted "justice" for her "client" she would be in court, not on TV. This shark must go.

3.  Assemblyman Warren Furutani, Democrat South Los Angles County: Authored "a bill on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's desk that would allow districts to water down the one provision California now has regarding second-language and art education." Taking a second language is not causing students to drop out. Forcing students to take Algebra in Middle School when most are not cognitively ready produces a culture of failure and dropouts in the name of "college readiness." Drop out Furutani, he needs to go.

4. The McCourts: The divorce is in the hands of the judge. I say part of the settlement is the team must be sold and both McCourts asked to leave the state. I've had enough of the McCourts, they must go.

5. Last but defenitely not least, Jerry Brown: During the debate with Meg Whitman he continually described a hard nosed politcian with Californians as his top priority. Who was he talking about, Ronald Reagan? He surely could not of been talking about himself. Just ask Wild Bill Clinton and CNN. Jerry Brown must go. Time to retire.

This is just a short list of those I would like to see no more. I would love to have you add your "favorites" to my list.
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Which Californians Do You Say "Needs to Go?"

This Friday I'm starting a "Need to Go" list. These are the people in California who need to go.

1. State Senator Mark Leno, Democrat San Francisco: Because he authored the bill signed by conservative turned liberal puff governor Schwarzenegger by which "The bulk of the state's public schools will have to provide students with free and safe drinking water." Unfunded, ill conceived and will only take money from other needed resources at school sites in California.  Senator Leno is not funny, he must go.

2. Gloria Allred: This ambulance chasing leach who doesn't give a rip about illegal aliens is publicly abusing Senora Diaz Santillan for political gain in an effort to help her friend Jerry Brown. If she wanted "justice" for her "client" she would be in court, not on TV. This shark must go.

3.  Assemblyman Warren Furutani, Democrat South Los Angles County: Authored "a bill on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's desk that would allow districts to water down the one provision California now has regarding second-language and art education." Taking a second language is not causing students to drop out. Forcing students to take Algebra in Middle School when most are not cognitively ready produces a culture of failure and dropouts in the name of "college readiness." Drop out Furutani, he needs to go.

4. The McCourts: The divorce is in the hands of the judge. I say part of the settlement is the team must be sold and both McCourts asked to leave the state. I've had enough of the McCourts, they must go.

5. Last but defenitely not least, Jerry Brown: During the debate with Meg Whitman he continually described a hard nosed politcian with Californians as his top priority. Who was he talking about, Ronald Reagan? He surely could not of been talking about himself. Just ask Wild Bill Clinton and CNN. Jerry Brown must go. Time to retire.

This is just a short list of those I would like to see no more. I would love to have you add your "favorites" to my list.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Propaganda Wing of the Left Attacks Whitman on the Right

Well it didn't take long for the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party to fire a salvo at Meg Whitman. Less than 24 hours after her debate with life-long politician Jerry Brown out comes a "Breaking story" of Meg Whitman being mean to a illegal alien she formally employed as a housekeeper,Nicandra Daiz Santillan. 

Isn't it just too convenient, just too coincidental, just too expected to be a surprise? And who is the slime-ball/ lawyer representing the illegal alien who falsified her documents and lied to Meg Whitman concerning her legal status in the United States? Why Gloria Allred of course. Allred accused Whitman of exploiting, disrespecting, humiliating, and emotionally and financially abusing Nicandra Daiz Santillan. It shouldn't be hard for Allred to find a jury of Santillan's peers.

I would love to be on that jury! Only a liberal like Allred would defend Santillan. She is an illegal alien! She has no rights! Santillan exploited the Whitman's and is now on a mutual exploitation tour with Gloria Allred to see what they exploit from Whitman. Allred, a personal friend of Jerry Brown is doing her part to help.

Allred's appearance should signal to the undecided that Brown stands with those who claim to help the downtrodden but in truth, only exploit them to their own ends. This isn't about Diaz Santillan, it's about Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman.  

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Politician vs. the Businesswoman

Joshua Tree National Park: Climbing Jerry Brow...Image via Wikipedia
Except for the five years I was in college I have lived in California my whole life. I was born here. I have seen governs run our state all over the place. I have seen the Jerry Brown show before and it wasn't pretty. So, after watching the Brown vs. Whitman gubernatorial debate I was wondering who Jerry Brown was talking about. I mean, after he left office the first time, there was no debate over "if" he was an awful governor, just how inept he was. Which begs the question: Who was Jerry Brown talking? If he was 1/2 as competent as he portrayed himself to be, he would of beat Wild Bill Clinton as the  Democratic nominee for President. But, he wasn't then, and he isn't now. 

One of Jerry's favorite scapegoats is "the rich." People like Meg Whitman. Brown did what Democrats love to do  and that is blame rich people for being rich and not paying enough taxes, and that businesses should not be allowed to use "loopholes." It never ceases to mystify me that liberals actually believe they can tax businesses and an economy into growth. Business operate on a profit basis. They need to make a profit to grow. With growth comes the possibility for expansion and new jobs. If you tax a business, they leave to find where they can operate and make a profit, which they have been. 

Meg Whitman stressed that she wanted to bring businesses back to California and thus jobs. California is not a business friendly state. Californians need not only a governor who understands that businesses must flourish but Californians need at state legislature that will vote in business friendly bills. Basically, what Whitman was saying is that Californians need jobs now! One point that she made was that the "green" jobs that Brown refers to only represent 3% of the jobs. Whitman talks about 100% of the jobs and Brown dwells on 3%. 

Over one million Californians have lost their jobs (since 2005) under the leadership of the Democratic state legislature. Do we need a another Democrat chasing out businesses? I say, no. 
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No Tax Tuesday: Do Taxes Help?

Gasoline taxesImage by vhhammer via Flickr
It is No Tax Tuesday and today I ask the question, "Do taxes help?" A very simple question. 

Let's take gasoline taxes as an example. In California I pay almost $0.64 per gallon of taxes. So, if I put 10 gallons of gasoline in my car that is about $6.40. Many commuters easily do that once a week. We are talking about $25.00 a month in taxes for one driver. Los Angeles easily has 100,000 commuters. Let's do the math. $25.00 X 100,000 = $2,500,000.00! That's probably only a drop of the gasoline taxes Los Angeles citizens pay !

If we pay so much in taxes why are the roads full of pot holes? Why is traffic so bad? Where is all that money going? I repeat my question: Do taxes help? As I understand it, cities have to maintain their own roads. I think the state and federal government is supposed to reallocate funds to states and cities. So, we get to lobby for access to the funds our tax dollars produce. Of course, some feel that they should decide how these funds should be redistributed.  But, money stays in government off the roads. 

My feeling is that for the amount of money I pay for just the gasoline tax I do not receive a fair return on my dollar. The roads are full of potholes. The CHP and local police have to chase lunatics on high speed chases who after doing great bodily harm and crashing into other cars want to sue the law enforcement agencies for use of excessive force and self-serving special interest groups will gladly help in order that they might leach off society too. 

In short, taxes are not really helpful.
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Boxer Comes Out Swinging, Hits Herself

OAKLAND, CA - APRIL 17:  Job Seeker Kenneth Ma...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Have you seen Barbara Boxer's TV adds against Carly Fiorina? I am sure you have. Man, the old broad has come out swinging, throwing hay-makers all over the place. The adds depict Carly Fiorina as a heartless, greedy, and inept business person who outsourced jobs.

That is pretty brave of Barbara Boxer, considering how may jobs have been lost to Californians under her leadership. Since 2005, 1,289,700 (that's right ONE MILLION, TWOHUNDREDEIGHTYNINETHOUSAND, SEVENHUNDRED!!!) private sector jobs have been lost in California (as of July 2010). Now she has been in office for a lot longer than that, so, she can't blame it on someone else. Plus, her fellow Democrats hold the California state legislature and set the policies there. But, since she has been in office  (as of 2005), 38, 100 government jobs have been created, burdening the tax paying Californians with  an average cost of $90,000 per government employee.

I will say this, Barbara Boxer has protected a fish. She does believe the economy has been stimulated and she must be addressed as "Senator." She also likes to discuss "green" policies with possible Supreme Court Justices during Senate hearings.  I guess her favorite color is green, your green in someone's pocket.

In boxing, just because someone throws some wild hay-maker punches does not mean they are the better boxer, they just may be aggressive but out of control. I think that holds true in political debate.  Just because someone says some wild crazy things hoping to injure their opponent, doesn't mean  the statements will hit home. Under the leadership of Senator Barbara Boxer, we have seen wild ideas and uncontrolled spending drive our great state into the high-unemployment abyss. It seems to me that Barbara Boxer is throwing hay-makers and flaying away. To some she may seem aggressive, but to me she's just and old has been hoping for a knockout punch. Vote out Boxer!
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