Happy Flush 'em Friday!
It is time to break out the list of things and people that annoy and bother us. My list is as follows...
- Cat ladies...if you have more than 2, seek help.
- Control freaks/liberals who have decided that they know better than your average parent how a Happy Meal should be ordered so they decided you should order apple dippers.
- Harry Reid and the Dems and Rhinos who think increasing our debt is a good idea and that is their best idea.
- The Bachelor and Bachelorette "reality" TV shows...just the commercials make me want to scream!
- People who watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette "reality" TV shows...please, unless you are throwing things at the idiots on the screen, get a life.
- MSNBC...pfff
- (For my son) The entire cast of High School Musical (all)
Who's on your list?