Friday, July 29, 2011

Flush 'em Friday: The 7 29 11 Edition

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - NOVEMBER 03:   Five-year-o...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Happy Flush 'em Friday!

It is time to break out the list of things and people that annoy and bother us. My list is as follows...

  • Cat ladies...if you have more than 2, seek help.
  • Control freaks/liberals who have decided that they know better than your average parent how a Happy Meal should be ordered so they decided you should order apple dippers. 
  • Harry Reid and the Dems and Rhinos who think increasing our debt is a good idea and that is their best idea. 
  • The Bachelor and Bachelorette "reality" TV shows...just the commercials make me want to scream!
  • People who watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette "reality" TV shows...please, unless you are throwing things at the idiots on the screen, get a life.
  • MSNBC...pfff
  • (For my son) The entire cast of High School Musical (all)
Who's on your list?
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

How does less choice equal more freedom?

SHA-WALI-KOT, AFGHANISTAN - MARCH 05:  Catholi...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
One of the good things about living where I live is the choice to eat where I want to and pretty much (budget allowing) what I want.  There are quite a few choices available in the south bay and I like that. I like to be able to choose a big fat burger and fries or a little thin piece of ingredients and a bun with fruit if I so choose.

Now, I have a friend who thinks that Coke is the best cola and can not understand why anyone would drink Pepsi. I happen to prefer Pepsi. For all the reasons she likes coke, I don't like Coke. For all the reasons she does not like Pepsi, I do. So, they order Coke, I order Pepsi. It is a little but significant freedom that we enjoy here in these United States of America, called choice. Freedom to choose Pepsi or coke, a wonderful whole beef burger or a skimpy little piece of vegetables compressed into the shape of a burger and seasoned to cover the taste of the ingredients. Choice. 

As a parent I like to be able to teach my children responsibility and offer them the opportunity to make a choice as a reward. The choice may be as simple as choosing what color of clothing or maybe fries or apples with there Happy Meal. Call it responsible freedom.

What I find very disturbing is when the government gets involved in my choices of anything. So, when I find that the government is "choosing" apples for my child's Happy Meals or taking the toy out of kids meals I am more than disturbed, I am angry.

The question is this: How is the loss of choice equal to a gain in freedom? Quite simply, it is not. Who is it that thinks they know better than every parent? Who is it that believes I, as a parent, and you as a parent, are not fit or able to make a good choice for ourselves or our children? Your basic liberal, that is who.

I say that this nonsense must stop! 
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No Tax Tuesday: Stop The Ringmaster 7 26 11 Edition

Trash Truck Compacting JunkImage by Eric Z Disposal via Flickr
Happy No Tax Tuesday!

I looked at the paper this morning and the headline reads, "Obama: End debt 'circus'". Really? Didn't the President and the Democrats increase the debt by railroading bills through without even being read? You see I grew up with the ethic that if I created a mess I should clean it up. Don't ask someone else to clean it up for you. Now I have the President of the United States of America asking to borrow money that he will NOT pay back to clean up as in pay for the insanely stupid and useless bills and policies he has inflicted upon us all, Democrat, Republican and independents alike. It is time for the Ringmaster to stop clowning around and deal with the mess he made. 

The mess is this awful healthcare deform and economic policies that even his own party says are not working. Now, Obama wants me and my children and their children to clean up his stupid mess! No. Clean up and get out. I don't like that my healthcare costs have doubled since Obama, Pelosi, Reed and the Democrats passed a healthcare bill without reading the fine print. Do your own pooper-scooping, Mr. President.

I don't like that there are Czars for every conceivable deceptive control act imaginable. I despise people who arrogantly believe that we, as American citizens, are not smart enough or self-controlled enough to decide if our children should eat a happy meal or put salt on our food! By-the-way, Obama has 32 Czars, the most ever by any President. Czars do what? There are Climate, Afghanistan, Car, Auto Recovery Act, California Water Czars, and the list goes on. What do they get payed? I give up. What? Their pay is listed as between unknown (most), $158,500, $172,000, $197,000. Well, if the circus loses these clowns that would save at least $3M, not to mention any staff or office space costs.

In the end, if the ringmaster and chief Obama wants to end the circus he should he should make some tough cuts and stop trying to put on a show.
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