Friday, June 17, 2011

Flush 'em Friday: The 6 17 11 Edition

two persons eating at bathroom themed Modern T...Image via Wikipedia
Happy Flush 'em Friday! It's time once again to call out those and that which annoys you and makes you say "What the...?"

The following are my nominees for this week, but , I would love to add a few of yours!

  • Anthony Weiner for being such a namesake...
  • Ron Paul for whiffing so badly on  marriage, gay marriage, Social Security and Medicare.
  • The California State Legislature for putting out a budget so bad that even Jerry Brown vetoed it!
  • Vancouver Canucks  fans who rioted because they lost aye...
  • POTUS Obama for being "engaged" in Libya and refusing to get congressional approval and the liberal media for glossing over it!
  • Janice Hahn for attacking Huey and then attacking all offended when someone puts out and add depicting her to be who she actually is.
  • People who drive around with "Baby on Board" signs on their cars. Unless the baby is driving I could care less (it does not make me want to hit you with my car less).
  • The Los Angeles politicians who are making it hard to bring a NFL football team to LA. 
  • Frank and Jamie McCourt for dragging the Dodgers down with them. Sell the team to Garvey and Oral!
  • People who TEXT while they drive! 
I'd love to add yours to my list!
Happy Flush 'em Friday!

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

California Dems Pass Gas, I Mean Budget

Matera beheaderImage by Mike_fj40 via Flickr
The LA Times read "California Democrats pass budget with taxes, cuts and tricks.",0,504864,full.story

OK, if even la Times calls out the Democrats it has to be REALLY bad. It is a budget that calls on Governor Brown to break two campaign promises and uses very creative math. The Times put it like this,
But their blueprint puts Brown in a political pickle. It asks him to break two pledges central to his campaign for governor: no new taxes without voter approval and no more smoke-and-mirrors budgeting.
So, the Democrats in office show their true colors. They want to shove taxes down our throats and they have no qualms about using deceptive measures to make themselves look as if they have actually done something of value. Then, the Democrats, like Gardena Representative Warren Furutani has the nerve to get all "offended" by Republicans calling him out. Hey Warren, sit your stretchy pants suit down. Listen Fatani, if Gardena is the showcase of your leadership, God help us all.

The best part of their "plan" is to cut spending on higher education, thus raising tuition and making education harder for the average working family to afford and reducing funds to the court system which would make justice even harder to come by. Ah, the creative brilliance of Democrats.

And to think that Californians made it easier for the Democrats to punish us all by voting for a less than 2/3 majority vote on budgets like this. Way to leave us all defenseless! Now, the minority has NO voice and can in not protect us all. For all of you who voted for the bill and for all these knuckleheads like Fatani. Thanks for nothing. 
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Excuse My Addiction and Those Who Run Our Dysfunctional Government

Google CalendarImage by HRC via Flickr
Yesterday at work I checked my personal e-mail. I had to go through a special process and filter that gives you a window of time to operate. I checked my e-mail and my calendar because Google is not part of my company. I felt a bit guilty, even though my Google Calendar has my work events on it. Isn't that called my conscience? Don't you assume those you vote into office have a conscience too?

When I watch my elected government officials I wonder if they have even heard of a conscience. Michelle Malkin questions how politicians police and "punish" themselves in Capital Hill's Other Dirty Laundry As a teacher I understand that sometimes the foxes can't guard the hen-house. We don't do a good job of policing ourselves. Maybe an independent citizen led group should serve, sort of like jury duty?

Ruth Marcus does a great job of discussing how we view immoral actions. Follow the link . I believe as move away from the ideas of right and wrong, sin and evil, we loose our moral base and anarchy ensues. The most pathetic and dangerous responses to Weiner-gate have been from people who say he's just a man, men are pigs, what do you expect? Same thing my wife expects of me, not to be a pig.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hahn vs. Huey on No Tax Tuesday 6 14 11 Edition

Boxing2-clinchImage via Wikipedia
This is a gimme. Hahn is a born and bread liberal tax and spend, or is that spend and tax, Democrat who loves to play the "tax the rich" card. Truthfully she wants to tax the living crap out of each and every hard working person with a job and and a backbone. Unless of course you are an oil company in her home town.

Janice Hahn is in favor of taxing pot dispensaries. Very creative Janice, way to think outside the box. What's that? Pass the chips?

She also has vacillated on taxing the rich oil companies. Hahn introduced measure O which would impose an oil severance tax on oil extracted within city limits. Now, she opposes her own measure. It seems the companies in her home town complained that it would harm them financially. Follow the money.

In total contrast to Janice Hahn we have Craig Huey, a businessman who has actually personally provided jobs for others. He understands what it takes to bring businesses back to the South Bay and to help the economy grow. The myth of the green job is nothing more than a myth and an attempt to control business via the government. Craig Huey understands this because he has been there as a businessman. Janice Hahn will vacillate her views according to who pays her the most money. Huey is not asking for money, he's asking for an opportunity to help businesses, not government, provide jobs. 

So, the choice here in the South Bay, will be between old time liberal Democratic values, which are failing the South Bay as jobs leave at alarming rates, and the old American values of hard work and less government. Let the money go to the people without the government getting their  sticky fingers on your hard earned money.

Huey = jobs and more money for working people. Hahn = more taxes and less money for working people. You make the vote.
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Weiner Rehabs What?

Anthony Weiner, NYC, May 2011 (Pre-"Weine...Image by Tony the Misfit via Flickr
I hear that Democratic Representative Anthony Weiner has entered a rehab facility. A rehab facility!? A rehab facility for what?

I mean really, I have heard of rehab for alcohol addiction, for drug addiction and maybe even for sex addiction. But, I didn't know they're was a rehab center for self-absorbed liberal jerks. What's it called, The Wild Bill Clinton Center for Narcissists? Weiner did first start out with a lie and then move to the "people just want me to do my job" deflection made famous by Wild Bill himself.

Many of my liberal friends tried to tell me it is just a personal thing and should have no bearing on his political life. I suppose it was very personal to the women he Tweated. Isn't there a very basic level of morals that should be seen here? Is there no connection between what a man does and who he is? I have been taught that what I did while I was alone was who I really was. 

If A. Weiner is getting treatment, what kind of treatment could he possibly be receiving? Could it be a Crackberry addiction gone wild? Are his thumbs OK? Maybe they have discovered a link between liberalism, Crackberrys and sending Tweats of a sexual nature to women who want to discuss politics with a "politician"? What would they do, show him pictures of himself with electric shock therapy? What medication could you possibly offer someone like Weiner?

What therapy teaches right from wrong? THAT IS WHAT ANTHONY WEINER NEEDS. 
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