Welcome to Flush 'em Friday! It's time to send those who need a flushing right down the old porcelain thrown. This week we have the following as nominees:
- Michael Moore and any movie he has made
- Michael Jackson wannabes.
- Michael Vick
- Disco music
- Disco clothes
- Disco balls
- Disco dancing
- Low fat foods
- Low fat pancake syrup
- Low fat cheese
- Spike Lee
- Spike Lee's movies (name 3...)
- Spiked hair
- Spiked gas prices
- Green peas
- Pea green cars
- The Black Eyed Peas and their synthesized voices.
- Black Friday being on my birthday.
- Black Friday lines
- Black Friday deals that expire before I can get there.
OK, that's all I got.
Care to add a few?
Happy Flush 'em Black Friday!