It's Friday. Is that a TGIF or a Finally Friday, or a Throw out the loon Friday? Or maybe it is just a I'm glad it's Friday because I need a breather Friday. For me I think it's all of the above.
For most people, if your fortunate to still have a job, your responsibilities have increased because although businesses have cut back on the number of employees, production demands remain the same. Even though I am in education and we don't produce a product in the classic sense, we do aim to produce students with several skill sets. With less resources to teach, creative means of achieving learning goals must be found. I have always been a "just get it done" person, so, being confronted with a challenge of finding ways to help more students with less money, is just another challenge. That said, it's a lot of work. Thank God it's Friday.
Sometimes Fridays act, for me, like a milepost, to mark progress or note change. When I look at the political landscape today I wonder if there is progress. Not "progressive" progress, but any kind of positive change. At this time, I do not. I can't believe how many Californians will still vote for the likes of Brown, Boxer, Harman, and Sanchez, despite that fact that their leadership has taken us into the toilet with massive job loss and economic meltdown. It is as if some people believe that the economy just needs a few bucks from anywhere thrown in and soon all will be OK. The loons must go.
At any rate I am thankful for a job and a family I can go home to. A happy Friday to you all.