Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Friday to You All!

Thank God It's FridayImage via Wikipedia
It's Friday. Is that a TGIF or a Finally Friday, or a Throw out the loon Friday? Or maybe it is just a I'm glad it's Friday because I need a breather Friday. For me I think it's all of the above.

For most people, if your fortunate to still have a job, your responsibilities have increased because although businesses have cut back on the number of employees, production demands remain the same. Even though I am in education and we don't produce a product in the classic sense, we do aim to produce students with several skill sets. With less resources to teach, creative means of achieving learning goals must be found. I have always been a "just get it done" person, so, being confronted with a challenge of finding ways to help more students with less money, is just another challenge. That said, it's a lot of work. Thank God it's Friday. 

Sometimes Fridays act, for me, like a milepost, to mark progress or note change. When I look at the political landscape today I wonder if there is progress. Not "progressive" progress, but any kind of positive change. At this time, I do not. I can't believe how many Californians will still vote for the likes of Brown, Boxer, Harman, and Sanchez, despite that fact that their leadership has taken us into the toilet with massive job loss and economic meltdown. It is as if some people believe that the economy just needs a few bucks from anywhere thrown in and soon all will be OK. The loons must go.

At any rate I am thankful for a job and a family I can go home to. A happy Friday to you all.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Foreclose Your Mouth

There is a crisis in American housing. It has been going on for a few years now. The government tried, foolishly, to try to "help" by giving money to banks. Stupid idea. The banks went on vacations and waited for the market to bounce back. Obviously, that didn't happen and isn't going to happen for awhile. 

Many are calling for a moratorium on foreclosures.  Remarkably, President Obama is resisting the call, even from his own party, to place a moratorium on home foreclosures. 
"I don't give the administration much credit on anything, but to their credit they're backing off on the moratorium talk," said Bert Ely, an independent banking analyst. "The real danger here, a serious danger to the economic recovery and a housing recovery, is some blanket, nationwide foreclosure moratorium." Daily Breeze
He shouldn't. The states shouldn't and the country should not. A moratorium would only forestall the problem and make it worse, as it has done.

But, who is calling for a "nationwide moratorium"? California's very own, Maxine Waters. Maxine has done a remarkable job of keeping her constituents in abject poverty for decades and yet manages to get re-elected. Now, Maxine Waters wants to infect the entire nation with her foolishness. If she can't help lift her her own district out of poverty's  enslavement, how does she think she can help "nationwide"? If she had a once of sense she would try to ensure that home prices fell so more people could afford to buy a home. She might also consider how she could bring businesses into her area so that her people have better chances at jobs. 

The bottom line is that the government does need to monitor fraud but should not stop foreclosures. Remember history will teach us if we let it. Following the great crash in the late 1920's many banks collapsed and MANY people lost their homes. But, the banks could not afford to sit on the homes and wait for the market to rebound. The banks had to resell the homes to people at lower affordable prices. My grandparents went through that. They lived in that home, across the street from the home they originally purchased and lost from 1929 until the late 1980's. The banks made stupid irresponsible loans and they should pay the price for their stupidity and greed. Not that I am opposed to profit, but, if you know a person making $16.00 an hour can not afford a $300,000+ home, shame on you for making up a finance "plan" that would appear to make it work. Banks and lenders should pay the price for their mistake. Not the tax payers.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Brown Vs Whitman Final Debate

I'll admit I am biased toward the right. So, it would be pretty tough for Jerry to convince me to vote for him. He might be able to, if I just took what he said as the complete picture of who he is and didn't consider his past, who he really is. For instance, he says California needs green jobs. Whitman counters with the fact that only 3% of the jobs are green in California and what does Jerry plan to do about the other 97%? Brown just blew by the question and blathered on about Whitman wanting to give "rich" people tax breaks. Again, he didn't say that those same tax breaks would not help Californian's who are not (in his view) "rich." 

I think Whitman has improved as a debater and did very well considering the obviously liberal crowd. I mean, come on, even Wild Bill Clinton recognized Jerry Brown was a self-serving re-invent yourself slouch (takes one to know one sort of thing). Yet the crowd cheered for Brown as he  made emphatic yet harmless points.  That Whitman was able to elicit any kind of positive response from that crowd was actually impressive. I don't think Brown made himself look like any less of an slime-ball in respect to the "whore" comment. 

Browns main objective seems to me to try to convince Californians that now that he is older and married he is no longer a political knucklehead. If your a young voter you won't remember just what a reckless knucklehead he is. He didn't convince me. It doesn't seem like he has to convince your average Democrat. He just has to make sure he casts Whitman in a "rich taking from the poor" light. He will hope that the same people who vote for the likes of Maxine Waters and Barbara Boxer will vote blindly for him also.

The bottom line, over 1,200,000 jobs have been lost in California since 2005 alone under Democratic leadership. Vote the job killing, take your money, turn off your water money mongers out!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No Tax Tuesday: The Right to Pass it On

Anti-United States Internal Revenue Service sy...Image via Wikipedia
The estate tax is one the liberals love to attack with. The basic idea is that if you work your whole life, save and build, try to make a better life for your children and their children, too bad, the leftist believe they are better suited to take what you have earned and give it to someone else.

A site that calls itself "" states the lefts position as,
 The estate tax, the most progressive component of the federal tax code, applies only to Americans lucky enough to inherit substantial fortunes. In fact, only 0.6% of deaths result in taxable estates. By taxing inherited wealth, the tax preserves the American tradition of rewarding hard work, not inherited privilege and wealth. 
So, what does the left plan to do with this money? Redistribute it to those they deem as worthy. I am the only one who thinks that sounds more than arrogant? 

Notice the con; "By taxing inherited wealth, the tax preserves the American tradition of rewarding hard work." Really? And how hard did the people who will be receiving this redistribution of wealth work? Harder than the people who earned it? I thought part of the American tradition was making life better for your children. According to the "progressives" people are wrong to try to give their children something via an inheritance and that they (the empirical left) have a right to take what someone has earned and give it to someone else. 

Imagine you have save all year long to buy your children special presents, maybe a trip to Disney world. Someone comes along and says that you should not be able to do that because it is unfair to other, less fortunate children. So, they take part of your earning and  savings and give it to whom they deem as worthy. The absurdity of the logic is exactly the same as for the Estate Tax. 
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Monday, October 11, 2010

Throw the Bums Out!

Category:Westminster constituencies in the Rep...Image via Wikipedia
Now California, my home, I plead with you to make a political shift. For years we have been under the leadership of Democrats. What has it got us? We were the great state of opportunity, now we are not. People, jobs, and businesses are leaving in numbers that have never seen or even heard of. Who's keeps voting them in, not me?

For years my fellow Californians have voted in Democrat after Democrat. Occasionally, we have a Republican as Governor, but with Willy Brown and his successor in office, it's more than an uphill battle. Yet, we keep electing the Hahns, Boxers, Browns, Harmans, Sanchezs, Villaraigosas, and the like. Have we gotten any different results? No. Do we have more jobs? No, over 1,000,000 less sense 2005 factually.

I forgot to mention the Maxine Waters, Mark Ridley type crew. Do they really help their people? Do they only help their people? Why are there still housing projects with generations living in the same unit? Isn't it time to require some sort of accountability from those who say they are trying to help? What jobs have been brought to the inner city because of the efforts of Maxine Waters? She did help a bank her husband (and thus SHE) had interest in. There is just more poverty, not more jobs and affluence.

I am asking my fellow Californians to hold all our elected representatives accountable. If they are not seeking to provide opportunities for businesses in your area they do not give a lick about you. If something isn't done to allow a business to provide you a job, what are they doing?

My question to Brown, Boxer, and the entire left; where are the jobs?
My question to Californians; why do these officials still have jobs?
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