Saturday, July 10, 2010

Montana Bear Tragedy.......


This is a very sad story about a bear.  Everybody should heed the warning to not feed wildlife because they become dependent and cannot forage for themselves anymore.

This is such a tragedy to see what they have done to our country's wildlife!  

The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect   US  wildlife
 . . . ..

[]   Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to the Democrat Party..... as they have apparently learned to just sit on their rear and wait for the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance.
This photo is of a Democrat black bear in   Montana  nicknamed…:

Bearack Obearma
Montana Bear Tragedy.......

Friday, July 9, 2010

Gene Simmons Military Tribute

Wage War not Directives

Standing by on a hilltop, Soldiers with the 10...Image via Wikipedia
In the movie Aliens, after being directed not to use a list of weapons, one of the characters asked his commanding officer, "What are we supposed to use, harsh language?!" For the United States soldiers fighting in Afghanistan the question may be the same. 

While being attacked US fighting forces are having to check through a series of directives meant to reduce civilian causalities before even returning fire.

"This is not how you fight a war, at least not in Kandahar," said a soldier at the outpost who described the incident, which occurred last month, on the condition of anonymity. "We've been handcuffed by our chain of command."  (The Washington Post)

This is exactly why Democrats are lousing at war. War is hell. War is defeating and destroying the enemy. Sometime that means even destroying the enemies will to fight.That is not what our troops are being directed to do.

Ann Coulter says, "Based on Obama’s rules of engagement for our troops in Afghanistan, we’re apparently not even fighting a war. The greatest fighting force in the world is building vocational schools and distributing cheese crackers to children."

Directing soldiers to not fight is like telling Mohammad Ali not to jab, Michael Jordan not to slam-dunk, Albert Pujos not to hit a home run, do you get the point?

Personally I believe Afghanistan is not the place to fight. But President O-Bomb-Us has decided we will wage "war" in Afghanistan. OK then, destroy the enemy and get out!

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Barbara Boxer Ideas Are Green Like Moss

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) meets with Suprem...Image via Wikipedia
Barbara Boxer is so focused on being green she is totally clueless to the fact that her state is going down the tubes! During the mockery of a hearing for the nomination for Elena Kagan for Supreme Court Justice Barbara "call me Senator" Boxer focused on green questions.

If that doesn't demonstrate the level of distance the Senator is from reality, what does?

During the hearing I e-mail Senator Boxer expressing my concerns about Elena Kagan. I received a postmortem response.

If California is to lift itself out of the current financial slump/depression we will need new leadership.

Go Fiorina!

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Round and Round LeBron Goes

He is a freak of nature physically. He does seem at times unstoppable on the basketball court. He was ordained as the king. He was to have had least a few championships by now.

LeBron James and his entourage have paraded themselves around with the supposed LeBron sweepstakes up for grabs. LeBron already knows what he is going to do. And if he hasn’t known for at least a week than he and his posse are just clueless kids pretending to be adults.

It’s either about the money or the rings, the brand or the bling. Will he stay with Cleveland for the max cash? Will he go someplace with better pieces, if there is such a place? Today we will know what LeBron James is really all about.

Personally I am ready for the circus to end. Besides, Kobe still holds the real crown and doesn’t look he’s ready to relinquish it to the prince yet.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Boxer Bashes Fiorina

The infamous Barbara “call me Senator” Boxer spent the day on the campaign  trail bashing her Republican opponent Carly Fiorina. Boxer blathered on and on trying to paint Fiorina as a failed business woman who laid off thousands of employees and sent jobs to China.

I’m not sure if the Senator has noticed the employment crisis in California under her leadership. People and businesses are vacating California faster than Boxer can say, “Save the smelt!”

In education alone record numbers of teachers have been laid off and will hit the unemployment numbers with brutal force. Police officer and fire fighter positions are being cut state-wide to meet the financial crisis that Barbara Boxer believes is already solved because the Obama administration told her it is.

The farming industry is hampered because of a smelt fish.
Companies like Nissan have left and others are considering a move to a state that does not tax the life out of it.

Boxer dares to attack Fiorina on jobs while she has done squat divided by two for California. I know she’ll say that the stimulus package is working, but, if she is honest….that’s not going to happen.

Boxer’s idea’s are like my “green energy saving light bulbs,” they cost more and do less.

Can Californians afford to vote Barbara Boxer in for another term of senseless ideas, useless measures, save the smelt but kill the economy and cripple the business community platitudes? I say no! Barbara Boxer she must go!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Personal Conservative, Political Liberal?

I was talking to a friend/colleague of mine and she was telling me how she, personally, lived and made her choices very much conservatively, but, she votes as a liberal pretty much all the time. How can someone be personally conservative yet politically liberal?

Well, the usual explanation, which was hers, is that while she would never do some things it would be wrong of her to impose her beliefs on someone else. Which leads me to my next question, how can something be wrong for me but right for you, morally? Or is it the imposition of ones beliefs on someone else that liberals believe to be wrong? That seems to me to be the underlining argument.

For example, as my friend explained, although she would never get an abortion, she does not believe that she has the “right “to impose that belief on some one else.

Yet, it is the firmly held moral belief of the left that people with more money than someone else do not deserve it and are not capable of making choices for the greater good with said money. Therefore, they the benevolent left, as government, should tax the “rich” and “redistribute” the wealth to those they determine as worthy. I do not hold such a belief, but, I am forced to, no, my money is taken from me, involuntarily, and “redistributed” to others. Morally, I find that evil.

So, although I strongly disagree, with the form of wealth distribution ideals found among Democrats, liberals and leftists, I find no Democrat, no liberal, no leftist, with any concern over the moral conundrum of forcing me to live with their moral belief concern wealth distribution.

I find that a hypocritical, typical, and generally liberal way of thinking. What about you?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Why the Media Struggles with the Tea Party

Why is it so hard for the media to grasp the Tea Party? It’s not like they are using a cipher code to send out their message. The message seems pretty simple to me: Be a representative of the people or be voted out. Stick with the constitution, meaning shy away from “interpreting” what the constitution means, or be voted out.

I think the real struggle for the media is that they (the media) have become so far removed from the reality of life and they are surrounded by themselves that they can’t tell they are knee deep in their own crap. I mean look at George Stephanopoulos who is a political commentator for ABC. Are you kidding me? Just put a skirt on him and give him pompoms! He’s a cheerleader for the Democratic Party, without the ability to be fair or unprejudiced. Wikipedia tells us that, “Prior to joining ABC News, he was a senior political adviser to the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign of Bill Clinton and later became the White House Communications Director.” For heaven’s sake he worked for Wild Bill Clinton! That is just one example of the obvious bias of the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party also known as network news. They don’t get it because they think they are the keepers and guiders of all social upheavals and struggles.

The Tea Party is about normal American citizens who are tired of their elected representatives not representing them. That includes Republicans who the have failed to push conservative values and agenda items. This is different than the lame Coffee Party (where are they?) which only came into being to try to counter the Tea Party movement and not to question the motives and action of their own Democratic leadership.

 Memo to the media: Start telling the truth and showing both sides fairly or eventually we will watch another channel, listen to another radio station and use the internet to find unbiased or at least alternate coverage. 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th. Freedom to be, to believe. Freedom from tyranny. God bless America! PTVoice