Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thanks for Volunteering, You're the New...

The Cub Scout SignImage via Wikipedia
A funny thing happened on the way to enjoying my son's Cub Scout Meeting, I became a Den Leader and the CubMaster. This is now the third year in scouting for my son and I. I have met some great people and....some other people as well. 

When we first started the Den leader for my son was insistent that she run the show. After a few months, I remember standing in front of the scout house with my friend and his son wondering if it was the right night. As things go, we ended up doing what we needed to do to get our boys their badges and tried to have some fun. We were told we were co-leaders and needed to get trained.

The next year at the first pack meeting I was saying my hello's when the leader greeted me with a hearty, "Great to have you back! You're the new Cub Master. All you have to do is..." It turns out the Cub Master is sort of the master of ceremonies and since one of my alter-egos is a game show host it is not a bad fit. Plus, I got to wear one of those cool shirts with a Cub Master patch on it.

This year the Committee Chair, who really runs the pack, texted me just a few hours before the first meeting with a message that pretty much said he was bailing. Which, in the end may turn out to be a blessing because he was ALL talk with just a smidgen of action. We have since pulled ourselves together and are putting together what hopes to be a great year for our sons. I myself am learning the art of "Welcome back, you're the new...." 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No Tax Tuesday: Yea Yea Fair Share

WALLET GRAB!Image by Pomax via Flickr
Happy No Tax Tuesday! I work with a bunch suicidal liberals who are always trying to indoctrinate me into the propagandistic left. Just yesterday my union rep (I work in education) was trying to tell me, once again, how the rich needed to pay their fair share. Of course he's not going to be happy with President Obama for agreeing with Republicans on a tax deal. Oh well, he'll get over it.

Here's the deal. The idea that the "rich" do not pay their fair share is based upon...upon what? I don't know. Simple math shows that 10% of $100,000 (= $10,000) is greater than 10% of $50,000 (= $5,000). Now if a person makes $1,000,000...that's $100,000. So, in that sense, the more you make, the more you pay.

I think the idea that fair means just as painful may be what's behind some of my liberal friends thinking. At least that is what is sounds like. I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "But the rich don't feel it as much." OK, so what is your point? Is the point of taxation to punish those who make more money than me? Does paying more percentage wise make taxation fair? The rhetoric just sounds so childish to me. So what if someone makes more money than me.

Finally, for the life of me, I can not get a liberal to give me a reasonable answer to why businesses should be taxed and taxed more. The sorry excuse for logic is always that businesses need to pay their "fair share!" Now, my liberal friends can not explain how taxing a business allows it to grow, increase wages and provide more jobs. More taxation on businesses just means more money for an ever growing, less efficient government. How is that fair? It is just foolish, not fair. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Loose Cannon Fire 12 4 10

Gunfight and Airstrike in Korengal ValleyImage by The U.S. Army via Flickr

Lock an load, duck and cover. enjoy the loose cannon fire of the week.

Four years ago all we would of heard is how Bush has ruined Americas image and blame Bush, Blame Bush, Blame Bush.
Who will Obama blame now?
Mr. President, how will YOU assure Americans that our national interests are being protected? Or is this just some form of "transparency"?

"In essence, the LAO concludes that the budget is already out of whack because the Legislature and governor papered over the state’s fiscal problems."
Same Legislature with a governor of the same political party (as the Legislature) that was 100 days late on one of the most pathetic attempts at a budget ever seen. Is there hope that they will care if Californians suffer while they play politician? None at all.
Now we have all Democrats, all the time.
Show us the jobs. Show us the prosperity.

Why tunnel when they can just walk across? And if we don't let them, they can just ask the US Attorney General to sue on their behalf.

Really? I wonder what Winston Churchill would have to say about "transparency.? If the whole world was nice and everybody was nice and only nice things happened transparency would be lovely. But it's not always a nice world. Sometimes there are real enemies who only want to destroy us. To them transparency is just a way for them to know where we are weakest and easiest to defeat. Sort of like leaving the door unlocked when you know a killer is in your neighborhood.

I think the main thing is that the time is better for teaching and testing. Whether I agree with the emphasis on testing or not it is real and determines quite a bit. As it is now, the month of school is pretty much a throw-away.

Centrists? That is why the Tea Party came about, because centrist is a sneaky way of moving leftist.

Why does the ACLU spend so much time, money and effort on the criminal element? If they were truly about civil liberties shouldn't they be more concerned with the victims?

Runaway Girl - Red flags all around on this one.
The good news is that at least one foster parent seemed good and trustworthy enough to the 13 year old to try to seek refuge there.
The concern: What or who was she trying to "avoid"?

Firefighters - It is a pay cut..
It may be a necessary measure to balance the books. It will take along time to get back that pay.
If you work in the private sector, don't be angry at the firefighters for having a good benefit program. Negotiate yourself one.

It is incredible that states must seek to pass measures to get their governments to do what they are supposed to do.
If this is to happen the measure must be somehow protected (in its' presentation and appeal) from the insane and venomous propaganda of the left. You know, "Pete Wilson hates Mexicans" bologna.
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