Happy Friday and it's time again to offer up this weeks list of flushables.
The following are my list but I would love to have some of your additions!
The following are my list but I would love to have some of your additions!
- The CEA (Council of Economic Advisors) - for having such great ideas such as bailing out banks & automakers
- New Yorkers who support Anthony Weiner
- Anthony Weiner because it just gets worse and he continues to use the Bill Clinton "People just want to see me do my job" line.
- Newt Gingrich for shooting himself in his own foot politically
- Texting while driving guy/gal
- People who apply make up while driving
- Telemarketers
- Global warming nut-crackers who, like Al Gore and Thomas Friedman live in pretty huge homes
- Feminists who support Weiners
- The people in charge of the Maxine Waters ethics trail
- Maxine Waters
- The Department of Education for being such a money absorbing useless entity
That's it for this week!
Who would you like to flush?