Welcome to the 5 6 11 Edition of
Flush 'em Friday!
This week nominees are:
Flush 'em Friday!
This week nominees are:
- Snooty food servers at chain restaurants.
- People who wear crocs
- Anyone wishing to appease radical terrorist groups
- Terrorist groups
- Pakistan for housing and sheltering Osama Bin Laden and then attacking like they didn't know
- The Obama administrations spin-doctors for doctoring the account of the snatch and kill operation (which I approve) of Osama Bin Laden. Just state the facts; we went in, snatched and shot his skinny asterisk and his carcass out of Pakistan. Justice served. Next!
- Gas prices and the current administration for having policies that do not keep them down.
- J.H. & J. J.
- Jerry Brown for being Jerry Brown
- Those who voted for Jerry Brown and expect me to pay for it.
Who would you like to Flush this fine Friday?