Friday, December 17, 2010

Yes, Christmas Approaches

YONGIN, SOUTH KOREA - NOVEMBER 16:  Penguins d...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Yes, it is the Holidays. For most everyone I know it can be a very busy and hectic time of year. I love Christmas. I love waking up on Christmas morning to see my children's faces as they check out what might be under the Christmas tree for them. I love stocking stuffers. When I was young, many moons ago, there would always be a tangerine, a comb, a piece of chocolate, and then maybe a Matchbox car or Hot Wheel car. Not a lot, not expense, just something small. We would play with the stocking stuffers until everyone woke up and moms' special Christmas breakfast was ready.

My wife and I have tried to carry on those traditions and add our own. I believe it is most important to remember the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh coming to save his people. So, we always read the Christmas story from the book of Luke.

To me one of the best memories of the holidays is being with family and friends. One friend of mine has a party of year that he ans his family decide to throw and invite everyone with two days notice the week before Christmas. You know, "I don't know if we are going to do it this year..." So, I am anticipating a call in a day or two. It usually is a lot of fun. They regifting game (some call it the Red Elephant game)  is always great because someone always brings one really goofy one and it gets passed around until the end.

I hope your town has a special Christmas lights area. I love seeing how much effort someone else put into their decorating. I always wonder where they keep it all.

I wish you all a great Christmas. Signing off for now,

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Parenting and Scouting, Pop Tarts and Smiles

Cub Scout Graduation and PromotionImage by heraldpost via Flickr
The problem with being an A Type personality is it is next to impossible to just to a little of anything. My dad once bought 2 shopping carts full of Pop Tarts, because they were good. I have never bought 2 shopping carts of any one item, but, I find myself diving in head first and going full boar or not going at all. 

I have been consumed by my sons' Cub Scout Pack as of late. I shared on an earlier post how I was volunteered as a leader. I don't  mind. I like working with people and more importantly I want to see my son have a great experience as a Cub Scout. The former leader was a man of many words with little action. I know I can be a man of MANY words but, I hope I back them up with actions a plenty. 

I rechartered our pack. I attended the University of Scouting. I called a parents planning meeting. I sent out flyers to schools in the area (my wife actually did the bulk of the work, she's awesome). I am learning all the things we should of been doing. 

I am blessed to have some great parents in the Pack. Some are beginning to step up and help. And you know what? That really is what being a parent is all about, doing what you need to do so your child can have a great scouting experience. My philosophy of parent involvement is that if you want your child to enjoy something or be successful at it, it is up to you. I want my son to enjoy scouting, so I am doing what I need to do to make that happen. Now as an A Type personality, I have dove in and found myself knee deep in Cub Scouting and to be honest, I am having a great time. More importantly, my son is enjoying being  a Cub Scout too. Two weeks ago, one of the fathers, a member of the Coast Guard arranged for the pack to visit the hanger where the Coast Guard helicopters are housed and repaired. If you could of seen the smile on my sons face when he was being lifted up in the rescue basket and into the helicopter...I swear if he was eating cake the frosting would of been on his ears...that is what scouting is about. 
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Just a Little Cannon Fire

712 Tall ShipsImage by steeljam via Flickr

It has been a horrible time for Californians.
A foolish group of State legislatures who legislated over 1.2 million jobs out of California in the last 5 years alone.
A Democrat in Republican clothing of a Governor.
Next, a clueless populace that votes in the same group that put them into the mess they are in.
And we voted for a simple majority to eliminate the check and balance of legislature.
Schwarzenegger AND the legislature have been lame all around.

Until we have a President and a Congress that understands that America needs to produce products and that the governments jobs is to make that not only possible but probable, we will just become a has been nation.
Why is China doing well? Their government understands that to make money they must produce. And produce they do.
Who is lending to who?

After 22 years in education from Compton and Vernon to San Pedro, Elementary to High School, parents make the school. Yes, good teachers and administrators are helpful,but, if the parents are not insistent that their children succeed, educational success will just be a mirage. Parents must read with their children and monitor their school work.
My children attend a decent school district. The teachers are OK. But, it is still the parents that do what they must to ensure success, whether that means going over homework with their children or getting them a tutor.
Going charter will not change anything unless the parents change.

"We are looking at a $25-billion deficit," Leno said. "Voters need to understand what damage would be done if it were resolved with cuts alone."
Here we go my fellow Californians. Damage to what? The legislature moronic budgets that do nothing but create debt and drive businesses and jobs out of state?
Revenue for the state, less money in the taxpayers' pockets, the way of the liberal, that is Jerry's plan.

The La Habra teachers  are pretty gutsy striking in this political and financial climate.
They should take the furlough days but avoid the pay cuts and be very careful of the pay for "some of the health benefits" stuff.  
I went through a strike and pay cuts in LA. It took over ten year to get our pay back up to what it was before the cuts.
By-the-way, teachers salaries should make up the bulk of the budget because they do the work of teaching (a bit obvious).
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