Friday, April 30, 2010

Like Taking Toys From Babies

In Santa Clara County, California, “officials” voted to ban restaurants from giving away toys with kids’ meals. The associated press says, “The ordinance is largely symbolic as it would only cover unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County, meaning only about a dozen fast-food outlets and several other family-owned restaurants would be affected.”

Leave it to meddlesome politicians to not only try to infringe on personal freedoms but to do it in a less than affective manner.

What ever happened to personal responsibility? Who does not know how to make a choice for themselves? Are we ignorant serfs needed the guidance and protection of the magistrate? If a 13 year old girl is deemed responsible enough to choose to have sex and then an abortion, isn’t an adult of any age responsible enough to choose what they can eat?

I believe people of all genders, races and ethnicities are intelligent enough to make choices for themselves. We are not ignorant.

More government means less freedom and choice.

I choose freedom and responsibility.

Thus saith me.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let’s Talk Basketball Greatness

It’s the playoffs baby! Some call it the second season, the one that counts. Yes, I am a Laker homer. Today I proclaim Magic Johnson as the best and greatest player ever.

He was great at every level he played, from the playground to the Olympics, from college to the NBA.

He made all those around him better. Kareem, Big-game James Worthy, Copper, Scott, Wilkes and the list goes on. He shared the ball and made his success linked with the success of his teammates.

He could play all five positions and was a coach on the floor. Remember Magic’s game 6 performance at center against the Sixers? He reinvented the point guard position and made it his own.

He led the Lakers to 5 NBA championships, and don’t forget the NCAA championship against Larry Legend.

He played against some great players and teams; Dr.J, Larry Legend, Hakeem the Dream and a young guy named Michael to name a few.

Magic was magic. He was fun to watch.

Here’s to Magic, the best of the best.

Thus saith me.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona Border Wars

We, as in all true Americans, love “legal” immigrants who come to the United States of America to share our values, not spread theirs.

We Americans do not want the poverty, corruption and lawlessness from south of the border to migrate here to the USA.  There is a reason Mexicans and Central Americans want to come and seek to come to America: jobs, safety and the pursuit of happiness. Americans do not go south of the border to find jobs, feel safe and pursue happiness.

Think with me now of the happiest place on earth…

Just imagine a south of the border Disneyland. Instead of Tomorrowland there would be Cardboardcityland where you get to try to build your own hacienda from cardboard boxes. There could also be a Cartelland, with rides like El Coyote and El Calle. The El Coyote ride would be like the back of trucks. It would be inexpensive to run because no lights, air, or seating would be necessary. On El Calle you could choose to be an ordinary citizen, an US Citizen and try to dodge bullets fired by drug cartel members. No thanks. I can already to Tijuana already. 

Again, we, as in all true Americans, love “legal” immigrants who come to the United States of America to share our values, not spread theirs.

The issue is legal immigration. Come legally to participate in the American form of democracy, and we will welcome you.

One area of legal immigration of vital importance is the number of immigrants we allow. America can only support a finite number of people. There are finite numbers of jobs and finite numbers of immigrants allowed at any given time.  Can you tell me a nation that allows anyone without question to immigrate? Stop being hypocrites and obey the law.

Thus saith me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Got You Babe

I would like to give a "blogout" to my lovely wife!
Thanks for being such a great wife and putting up with me for the last 14 years.
Thanks for being a spectacular mother to our children.

Here's to love that lasts a life time and in the words of Sonny Bono, it's always good to know, "I got you babe."

Thus saith me ;)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Leave My Salt Alone

Do we really need the salt police? What’s next, the butter police?

Isn’t there a Pink Floyd Song about this?
     Hey there FDA, leave my salt alone!
     Just another porkulus taxing my rights away!
     Hey there FDA, leave my salt alone!

Seriously, why do I need the government controlling my restaurant menu options? I do not want the government telling me what to eat at Mc Donald’s, Burger King, In-n-Out or any restaurant.
I can imagine some Democrats arguing that it would create more jobs! The Obama administration would create the Department of Healthy Menu Options. Of course, the Republicans would counter that it’s just big government growing bigger, which actually would be true.
What about culturally? What if some particular cultural food contains excessive (thus saith the FDA) amounts of salt, sugar or anything the FDA outlaws? Wouldn’t it be an invasion of or just ridiculous meddling in people’s cultures? Why does the FDA need to be regulating my cultural experiences?

I heard some liberal political pundit explaining all the reasons why excessive amounts of salt in food is bad for people and therefore should be regulated by the government because we the people are too stupid to make decisions for ourselves and unable to enjoy all things in moderation if we so choose. I used to be shocked by idiots like this lady. But, I no longer am surprised. Liberals love to talk about civil liberties and freedom, but most of their actions limit people’s rights and choices.
No American, even nutcracker head liberals, needs the government telling them how to eat.

In short, worry about your own plate and keep your fingers out of mine!
Thus saith me.