Friday, August 19, 2011

Flush 'em Friday: Hollywood Busybodies The 8 19 11 Edition

toiletImage by Gerard Stolk presque 64 via Flickr
Happy Flush 'em Friday!
It is time to Flush those and that which annoy, bother or insult you.

The following are my flushies:

  • People who treat their pet(s) like the children they don't have. 
  • Piers Morgan of CNN for being a creepy question kind of guy. 
  • White liberals who accuse others white people, specifically conservative, of being racists. Every time  I hear a white liberal refer to someone else with the "we need to help those people" attitude I am stunned by their arrogance.
  • The LA Clippers for being such an awful yet money making team.
  • Tinsel Town busybodies like Janeane Garofalo who think just because they have a mouth and an opinion they should share it. Just like another orifice we all have, we don't need all need to share it.
  • The color pink on any car. 
Well that will do it of this week...until YOU add your own.
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    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    No Tax Tuesday and the Blame Game 8 16 11 Edition

    Dr. Seuss cartoonImage via Wikipedia
    Happy No Tax Tuesday! I trust you all are doing well.

    As the campaign season edges towards us with the field narrowing I wonder what the dialogue will be like.

    My main concern is if the media will allow the left to dictate the debate on everything, especially taxes. Whenever I hear a Democrat use the word or term "investment" I know there will be no positive return for me. 

    Let me ask this: What happened to all the "investments" of President Clinton? I seem to remember that the Clinton's placed a tremendous emphasis on Not Smoking. I guess it did little to stop our current President from smoking. 

    Way back in the 1960's then President L.B. Johnson pushed threw the Federal Department of Education and a thing called Title I. Quite and investment that has been. No Child Left Behind demanded that if districts and schools received Title I dollars they should prove they were actually helping students progress. Someone described NCLB as Title I with teeth. I work with a ton of Democrats and they all denounced NCLB like it was bill to once again allow slavery. I always remind them it is simply asking schools and districts to show they are using the funds responsibly. 

    My simple point is this: will the debate be about blame as President Obama is already heading or will the media hear the public outcry and demand that tax dollars be used reasonably and responsibly or just for the securing of votes to maintain power?

    I end with a little poem left on Chuck Norris' site.

    It is titled "Dr. Seuss 2011":
    I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam.
    I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books.
    I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like White House backdoor deals.
    I do not like when they kick the financial can, I do not like this 'YES, WE CAN!'
    I do not like their spending sprees. Why can't they get it -- nothing's free.
    I do not like their smug replies, broken promises and corruption ties.
    I do not like this kind of hope. I do not like it -- Nope nope nope!
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