Happy Flush 'em Friday!
It is time to Flush those and that which annoy, bother or insult you.
The following are my flushies:
- People who treat their pet(s) like the children they don't have.
- Piers Morgan of CNN for being a creepy question kind of guy.
- White liberals who accuse others white people, specifically conservative, of being racists. Every time I hear a white liberal refer to someone else with the "we need to help those people" attitude I am stunned by their arrogance.
- The LA Clippers for being such an awful yet money making team.
- Tinsel Town busybodies like Janeane Garofalo who think just because they have a mouth and an opinion they should share it. Just like another orifice we all have, we don't need all need to share it.
- The color pink on any car.