Friday, June 25, 2010

The sun sets on Puesta del Sol

Victorville, California: Parents Brawl disrupts kids' graduation (AP)

I am not surprised by the "dispute in the desert." I am not shocked that there was a brawl at a graduation among some parents that had a disagreement. I wish I could say that I was taken aback that it occurred at a kindergarten graduation, but I am not. Twenty-one plus year in public education makes me a bit jaded. I once saw two ladies ram each other with their new Cadillac Escalades within feet of elementary school students, a few of which were their own!

I am a bit curious about why there was a scuffle, I must admit. Was it over parking? Was there a problem with someones hat being somewhat obtrusive? Maybe it might of been over seating. Who cares, these people should be arrested and prosecuted because my experience tells me two things; 1) this will just be the beginning of "issues" with these people and 2) the blockhead doesn't fall far from the cliff. Better to deal with these loons now and let them know (via experience) that there will be consequences for such selfish thoughtless behavior.

Another Fundamental American Belief at odds with Obama agenda

Apparently religious freedom is a deterrent to the current administrations outreach to Muslim governments, obtaining China’s cooperation and the advancement of gay rights.

In an article in the Washington Post Thomas F. Ferr desribes the apparent predicament, “The Obama administration seems to have decided that other policy initiatives -- outreach to Muslim governments, obtaining China's cooperation, advancing gay rights -- would be compromised by vigorous advocacy for religious freedom. In fact, such a decision would harm the victims of religious persecution, hamstring key Obama initiatives and undermine U.S. national interests.” (See the whole article at

It is one thing to have a different belief or even be an atheist but to think that advancing religious freedom would help the cause of freedom in general? The very thought of bowing to radical Muslims, taking the knee to China and placing gay rights on the top shelf of American policies is so crazy, so foolish, so…I don’t even know if it’s leftist or socialist. I do know it is not American.

Religious freedom is freedom to believe. One problem that may be escaping many people is the loss of our countries founding beliefs. The Creator that the founding fathers alluded to that endowed us certain unalienable rights was the God of the Bible. That belief system holds that all people are created in God’s image, which establishes value to all people. The rights that all people have are unalienable rights regardless of governments, kings, presidents, or dictators. If a president does not believe the fundamental beliefs of out founding fathers and believes that they are above them, who knows what will come out in policies and programs. Perhaps we are beginning to see a few.

To not advance religious freedom because to do so might hinder dealings with Muslims, China and gay rights is simply shooting America in the foot politically.

That is what I think, tell me your opinion.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June the deadliest month for NATO troops

I repeat: It is time to get out of Afghanistan! The Washington Post's article explains the numbers a bit.

I am curious why it was stupid for Bush but smart for Obama? Why we are out of Iraq after basically following Bush's timetable, but wandering around Afghanistan looking for guys in turbans and getting blown up?

Get us out of Afghanistan Mr. President!

That's what I say, what about you!

Toy Story Life Loop

I took my family to see Toy Story 3 a few days ago. Disney and Pixar did a great job with it. Going to see the movie was a special kind of déjà vu for me. When the original Toy Story first came out I was dating my wife. Her two boys were about the same age as our two younger children are now. The older boys still remember going to see it on a school night, so it was a special treat. It was a good night, followed by many more.

Our two oldest boys are grown, one has finished college and working, the other is working and going to college. In a modern world sort of way like Andy, our family has grown with the Toy Story saga. My wife and I have enjoyed the Toy Story movies with our older and younger children and the older and younger kids have a connection through time in of all things, an animated picture.

Thanks to Disney and Pixar for doing a great job of tying it all together.

Life is good…how is yours?  

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Understand Shahzad, Understand the Evil of Jihad

Faisal Shahzad, the admitted failed Time Square bomber, informs us, “One has to understand where I’m coming from. I consider myself…a Muslim soldier.” I understand what Faisal Shahzad is saying, I just think he’s a suicidal lunatic wrapped in a Muslim cloak of self-righteous, self-deceiving dogma.

I understand that any attempt at reasoning with such “Muslim soldiers” would only result in a head banging session of radical Muslim jihadist rhetoric. There is no reasoning with a mind indoctrinated with hate and lies. They hate us because we are Americans, Democrat or Republican, George Bush or Barack Obama with his creased pants (read up on Muslim views on people wearing creased pants, regardless of name or political affiliation). 

I understand that these are people who would accuse Americans of meddling in their countries affairs, yet would take our aid. These are people who would claim we kill there children which they cowardly use as sacrificial shields while they allow their own sisters and daughters to be raped, abused and subjugated as a part of their religious cultural ethic.

I understand that the only thing a bully or terrorist understands is brut force. There is no reasoning with terrorists.

I know what I think the only response we can have is, what do you think?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why Kagan Worries Me

Supreme Court nominees are subject to a healthy portion of scrutiny and well they should be. The Supreme Court decides on the toughest most important cases in the country. They are the final legal word. The trust we as American citizen put in them is almost sacred. Because I believe in the ideals of the United States of America and the principles that our founding fathers set forth to govern this great country I am greatly concerned by the appointment of any Supreme Court nominee.

I am deeply concerned by the nomination of Elena Kagan for Supreme Court Justice by President Obama. Here are four reasons why:

#1. She is an Obama appointee. His choices have not been good so far and his approval rating illustrates his disconnect with the rest of the country.

#2. She is a liberal and not just an average liberal but a liberal from the ivory towers of academia.

#3. The Obama administration is carefully showing the public only what they want the public to see about Elena Kagan’s history of thought which would give us a better understanding of what her liberal ideals look like politically. Y.ou only hide what you don't want seen.

#4. What’s behind the curtain? Senator Tom Daschle advised then Senator Obama to run for president in 2008 because if he (Obama) waited until 2012 his record of voting would be too well documented. That is deception, that is dishonest. Now, President Obama is doing the same thing with information about Elena Kagan. What don’t they want the American public to know about Elena Kagan?

That’s what I say, what do you say?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Coffee Bandits

In my home town a couple held up a locally owned fast food restaurant using a knife and a pot of coffee. The husband and wife team created a disturbance, went behind the counter and opened the cash register. Next, they then grabbed a pot of hot joe and warned the patrons to stay seated or someone would get poured. After fleeing in their vehicle with trailer in tow, they were quickly apprehended by our local police’s finest. The good news; no one was scalded.

Wasn’t it Forest Gump’s mom that said, “Stupid is as stupid does?” So that was their plan? “OK honey, you create a diversion. I’ll jump over the counter and grab the loot and a pot of hot coffee. We’ll get in car with the trailer and make a run for it. We’ll cash, coffee and run!” I wonder if they could have made it if they would have used hot tea?

Too bad the old show World’s Dumbest Criminals is no longer on, this would make a great episode.

I not sure what to say after that, how about you?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

It’s good to be a Father.

One of the great issues of our generation is the value of men as fathers. The liberal feminist agenda puts men down as superfluous sperm donors. Women, so they are told, do not need men to raise their children.

On the other side of the coin, many men act more like boys. They do what they want to do, not what they have to do. Many men do not take responsibility for their children. They are too self-absorbed to love anyone but themselves. They are just boys in men’s bodies.

But, here’s to you fathers who understand that love is the proper balance of affection and discipline; keep loving, one day they will understand. I believe there is a special group of us who deserve special recognition, the blended fathers. Blended fathers are men who marry a spouse with children, sometimes referred to as an instant-family. I don’t like the term step-father because of the negative connotations. Men who can navigate the emotional minefield of not being the biological father and still love their children are truly heroes in my estimation.

Two thing I learned from my (blended) father: Do what is right even when it hurts because your reputation is worth more than money and never make fun of anyone less fortunate than you (he had a younger brother who died of polio) because how would you feel if you were in their place?

So men, be the father your children need, they will love you just because you tried.

That’s what I say. What about you?