Happy Flush 'em Friday! Time to Flush all that annoys you, insults you and/or bothers you.
This weeks' nominees are:

This weeks' nominees are:
- The Los Angeles Lakers defense. Oh wait, you'd have to have one to be able to flush it!
- The NHL - just what were they thinking?
- People who want to ban "assault" weapons. Do you actual think that will stop criminals from obtaining them? That is a special kind of stupid.
- California voters. I think if you don't pay taxes you should not be able to raise someone else's taxes.
- The price of hybrid/ green cars. It seems fiscally stupid that the cost of a car that is supposed to save money on gas is so much more than a regular car.
- The fiscal cliff because the end result was just more taxes on everyone and a lower standard of living for all. That's progressive. That's equality. That's liberal. That's stupid.
Please leave me any you would like to add.
Have a great week,