Here's some random shots fired right across the bow. Enjoy and add of few if you got anything to fire.

- Two things seem a bit off. One, if journalists were really interested in widening the debate why is the Tea Party so ostracized by so many? Two that you are somehow worried about challenging the rule of law. If something is illegal, for example someone entering the country illegally, do you think those who believe anyone should enter the country "illegally" should not challenge the rule of law? Just wondering.
- If there is any money/wealth it is first taxed before it makes it to my bank account and then if I spend any of it it is taxed even more. And the brain-less-surgeons in office think that taxing us more is the answer. If anyone one thinks a Democrat has any other idea than taxing the crap out of the working class than you just need to pull you head out of whatever hole it is in.
- More taxes means I sacrifice so some self-absorbed narcissist plays golf and takes vacations.
- This is California leadership at it's best. Spend more money than it has for things going nowhere. But, if you're a liberal just be happy that the wealth is being spread urrr redistributed to those who need it more.
- First of all, everything Obama does is muddled.
- Secondly, if he can't blame Bush or Republicans he does not know what to do.
- The problem for the Republican Party is not that they are not socially inclusive enough because they are. The problem is that they have not been able to overcome the propaganda machine, sometimes known as the press (see ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc.), which continually portrays the Republican Party as "those white, rich people who don't like you". It is the school yard bully manipulator on a national scale telling "minories" that "Those people don't like you". If the Republican Party can find a way to overcome the propaganda machine they might have a chance.
- The one thing they should not do is try to be more liberal.
- Contradictions? Cocky, clown or clueless? Flat out failure.
- Why does the "great communicator" need the press to lay out and explain his plan for Syria? Are you sure this is his plan?
- Maybe he's just hoping the problem will go away if he ignores it and lets the press cover for him until the public/world forgets about it. This isn't going away and Syriana could care less what the world thinks, let alone Obama. Unless you can exert influence /power whatever he's doing is just inept.
- The problem, that negatively affects latino voters and the Republican Party, is that the media is largely controlled by the liberal press. The latino population has been fed a lie that Republicans don't like them and are against them. The Republican party believes what the vast majority of immigrants believe in, opportunity. Government regulations kill opportunity and innovations because they simply try to control them. Until the Republican party finds a way to overcome the propaganda wing of the Democratic party, the masses will be mislead by elitist in the media and Democratic Party.
- Let's be real here, Eugene. If this was a Republican administration pulling this crap you'd be all over it like "Wild" Bill Clinton on a "full-figured" intern. Freedom from government intrusion is the issue. At this moment the Obama administration is stepping over lines never imagined by any other President. Can you even call him a Democrat?
- It looks like Obama is either inept or wants a radical regime in place. Either way he's once again proven to be the embarrassment the Democrats spent 5+ years making GW Bush out to be.
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