“Today’s report underscores just how deep a pit Barbara Boxer and Washington have dug for the people of this country. Under their watch, unemployment continues to soar, and we now know our federal deficit will reach a record $1.47 trillion this year. Still, Boxer remains intent on spending even more of taxpayers’ money and continues to talk about even more earmarks and even more government growth.
“It is painfully clear that Barbara Boxer and her colleagues in Washington have spent far too much of our money – and have no intention of changing direction anytime soon. Americans are already on the hook for billions of dollars in bailouts, and we simply cannot afford another six years of Boxer’s free-spending ways. Barbara Boxer obviously has no intention of making the tough choices necessary to set our nation on a path toward fiscal sanity, which is why we must replace her this November with a senator who will.”
PTVoice is voting for Carly Fiorina!
I agree. Barbara Boxer and others like her need to be purged from our government. How about we put her & others like her in Iran, Pakistan, etc countries & see what happens?