I would like to dedicate this Flush 'em Friday to men who are afraid to be men.

- If you are passive...you might need to be flushed.
- If you let someone else make decisions for you...you might need to be flushed.
- If you never open the door for your wife...you need to be flushed.
- If think you have no control over yourself...you might need to be flushed.
- If you refuse to work...you need to be flushed.
- If you don't have at least one favorite sports team...you might need to be flushed.
- If you don't know how to at least check the oil in your car...you might need to be flushed.
- If you cry at the end of a chick flick but not when your favorite sports star retires...you might need to be flushed.
- If you don't know the difference between right and wrong and are unwilling to least argue about it...you might need to be flushed.
- If you think you look cool driving a Prius...you might need to be flushed.
- And last but not least, if you can't laugh at yourself...you really need to be flushed.
Happy Friday and don't forget the plunger.
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