This weeks list of people, things or ideas that need to be flushed...
- Spammers, all kinds
- Rep. Anthony Weiner for turning a problem into a crisis and then having the nerve to say that people just want him to do his job
- Anyone who tries to blame Andrew Brietbart for Weinergate
- Janice Hahn and her blame the rich tax us all waste the money to buy votes brand of politics
- Frank McCourt for messing up the Dodgers
- Jamie McCourt for being such a money grabbing house hording wench
- Chevy Volt dealers for taking the tax credit the was supposed to go to buyers and then inflating the prices!
- Chevy for being part of "Government Motors"
- The IRS for not nailing the car dealers
- skinny jeans
- vegetarian burgers
- people who talk during a movie
- 70 year old men who dye their hair to look younger
- people who text while driving
That's about it for this week...any nominees?
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