Well California are you tired of the likes of Janice Hahn yet? Are you fed up with the fantasy that you can spend your way to prosperity policies of our current government?
On July 12th we have a opportunity to radically shift the power and policies of the people that are extorting our lives work away on empty promises, also known as the Democratic Party.
We have Janice Hahn who has done little to nothing to help her home town of San Pedro to grow. She has led the way with innovative ideas like taxing pot dispensaries. Even if she did pull it off how much tax revenue would that really create? Most of the pot is sold on the streets of her hometown in the "non-taxed" marketplace.
The following is a little blurb from CBS 8 in San Diego:
On July 12th there will be a clear difference Craig Huey and Janice Hahn. Janice Hahn like Jerry Brown only knows how to create taxes, not jobs. Craig Huey knows how to create jobs, not taxes.
On July 12th we have a opportunity to radically shift the power and policies of the people that are extorting our lives work away on empty promises, also known as the Democratic Party.
We have Janice Hahn who has done little to nothing to help her home town of San Pedro to grow. She has led the way with innovative ideas like taxing pot dispensaries. Even if she did pull it off how much tax revenue would that really create? Most of the pot is sold on the streets of her hometown in the "non-taxed" marketplace.
The following is a little blurb from CBS 8 in San Diego:
Craig's commonsense approach is at odds with the fantasy economics of Janice Hahn.
Hahn = Higher taxes, hurts the economy | Huey = Lower taxes, creates an economic boom | |
Hahn = More debt, destroys the economy | Huey = No debt, creates economic growth | |
Hahn = More govt. policies, destroys jobs | Huey = Economic stability, creates jobs | |
Hahn = More govt. spending, raises prices | Huey = Control spending, lowers prices |
On July 12th there will be a clear difference Craig Huey and Janice Hahn. Janice Hahn like Jerry Brown only knows how to create taxes, not jobs. Craig Huey knows how to create jobs, not taxes.
California, you make the call.
Yes you are right Hahn has not seen a tax she didn't like. Why do the smart people like teachers vote for a tax thief like Hahn? The Democratic party started the Vietnam war (Kennedy), Took all the Social Security money (Johnson), The Republicans stopped the Vietnam war (Nixon) Ended slavery (Lincoln) yet the dumb side of the Blacks and Teachers still think the Democratic party is the way to go!