To tell you the truth I don't remember many gifts I have received sense reaching adulthood. What I do remember are the people I have broke bread with and enjoyed their company. Often, due to busy schedules and the ever increasing activities of the modern family (sports, scouts, and homework) we don't always get to see everyone as often as we would like and the holidays seems to be the only time families and friends get together. My best memories are of family and friends, not things.
One year I asked two of my friends, Kenny and Matt, where they were going for Christmas. They both shrugged their shoulders and said, "Nowhere." So, I asked them to come with me. I called my parents and asked them to take a few presents that were for me and write "To Kenny" or "To Matt" on them. My sister once said, "You know, you think your family is messed up until you meet someone elses family or hear their stories." Both my friends didn't enjoy Christmas as kids. Their families were a bit disjointed. Matt and Kenny joined my family that Christmas. It was very fun to watch their faces when they received a gift with their name on it. They actually were in a state of shock that someone had thought of them in even the smallest way. The next year they joined us again and Kenny had a gift for everyone. Kenny then met a beautiful young lady and had a family and now enjoys Christmas with them each year.
So, I hope your family enjoys the gift of friendships this Christmas season, because one gift we have been given by our Creator is the gift of friendship.
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